
Well Known Member
Hi folks

I am considering purchasing a second-hand BMA efis one G4 2 screen setup with engine pod and AP and would like some inputs from the ones who know better.
A little input on the application: It would be installed in a brand new RV10 that would be based in Brazil. I am naturally aware that the company has shut down so services and parts wold not be easy to find. However, the BMA would be purchased at a pretty decent discount. In addition, getting other systems serviced would not be that easy down here either.
My question is: is it a good/great system (regardless of the fact that BMA has shut down)? Is it dependable? i have read posts that people have had several issues with their BMA but apparently with previous versions. Has the Gen4 solved the issues? Am I getting into trouble?
I am seeing this as an opportunity to get a full glass cockpit, IFR, AP when othwerwise I would go with basic panel due to budget. Am I in the right thinking or just looking for trouble?
I have never seen one of those up close so i don't know how they are compared to other competitors. Just know that would cost me less than half of any system.
Another thing, does BMA g4 requires its own engine sensors (cht, egt, fuel flow, ...) or would it work with others?
I appreciate all inputs.

Thank you
You are asking for trouble.

If it works when you get it and already has the latest software AND you install it correctly it might give you many good years of service.

The gen 4s never achieved all of their advertised features. Not sure the glideslope works and I think it never was able to communicate with any Garmin products other than the SL 30.

The money you save today can quickly be lost when you have to rip it out and rebuild your panel around another EFIS.

You get what you pay for.

I have had several Blue Mountains and liked them all but now, in my opinion, is not the time to buy or install one in a new panel.
What Milt said... very first transition training student has/had one in his -7 and the other day while flying, the horizon tumbled without warning. Heaven only knows what the airplane would have done on autopilot! Now he's starting all over with a second panel and all new stuff:eek: He flies it IFR, or wants to but this is not the system to use in IMC conditions.

TANSTAFL...."there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" (I have the TANSTAFL story if anyone would like a copy):)

Stay with known, good stuff in a new airplane,
