Hi there,

i bought a RV6 with a BMA EFIS Sport installed.

Now i tried to update the firmware from V2.20 to V2.74. This new Firmware uses no more the AVIATION.DBZ file, the new Database is AVDB.DBZ.

Does anyone know, where to get a "new" database-file (must not be actual)? Does anyone have an old version of this DB, I can use?

2nd question:
when flying rolls or high-G maneuvers, the art. horizon is confusing and has to be re-erected.
Is that problem known, is there a solution for this problem?

thank's for your answers!


Go to the BMA website and look at the forum/chatboard. Search Database.

There is an individual selling databases for the US that appear to be working on all models. There are no databases available for Europe for the BMA units.

A properly functioning BMA EFIS should not tumble during aileron rolls or loops (depending on generation). If you have a gen 3 or 4 your efis is showing early signs of an adhrs problem.

Somewhere on the settings page there is an option to select "acro" for the display mode.

No matter4 what you need to budget and start planning to replace the efis it isn't gonna last much longrer and there is no hope of repairs.
Hi there,

i bought a RV6 with a BMA EFIS Sport installed.

Now i tried to update the firmware from V2.20 to V2.74. This new Firmware uses no more the AVIATION.DBZ file, the new Database is AVDB.DBZ.

Does anyone know, where to get a "new" database-file (must not be actual)? Does anyone have an old version of this DB, I can use?

2nd question:
when flying rolls or high-G maneuvers, the art. horizon is confusing and has to be re-erected.
Is that problem known, is there a solution for this problem?

thank's for your answers!


I have a BMA EFIS lite plus gen 4 and the horizon gets confused anytime I subject it to extreme bank angles. This has happened for years and a few hundred hours (as long as I have had it). There is an acro mode but I do not use it as I do not fly acro. BMA does have a webpage I believe and there is a database file available there - again I believe but cannot confirm.
Thank's for your answers.

I've already tried all these.

can anyone send me an old AVDB.DBZ- file for testing, because a new one makes no sense in Europe.

My EFIS is an early one, havn't found the acro-switch.


DAY/Night/ Acro

Thank's for your answers.

I've already tried all these.

can anyone send me an old AVDB.DBZ- file for testing, because a new one makes no sense in Europe.

My EFIS is an early one, havn't found the acro-switch.



By memory you just cycle the display selection in the set up menu(the same menu/page as setting up your altimeter and GPS). Selecting acro just blanks out any attitude. You will be left with Air Speed & Altitude on a black background with no pitch ladder. In my experience, disconnecting the GPS ant. got me a few more hours of useful life and let the cpu operate.

It sounds like you might soon be in need of a different EFIS or some steam instruments. I and many others have been there and it's not a fun process unless you have loads of time or money to throw at a new panel.

An I-pad with AIr Track might be more useful /reliable than a failing BMA.

I think Milt (Post #2) found the G3X to be insertable in the same space as the BMA sport. Check the old "show us your panel" threads in the Rocket section.

The 7" MGL I-Efis in portrait mode should also be a good candidate for you.

Good Luck!