
Well Known Member
I'm looking to get a Bluetooth WAAS GPS Receiver. Anyone have any suggestions, experiences good/bad? Thanks!

Blue Skies
What hardware/software combo are you going to drive with it? Most of the software on the market isn't too finicky but if you go with Control Vision's Anywhere Map I'd suggest you buy their bluetooth GPS. (TrackerBlue)

I personally use TeleType's bluetooth GPS but am not too thrilled with it. Battery life is only 3 - 4 hours and it seems to loose the GPS signal quite easily. I've heard of people having good look with the DeLorme units. They even sell a unit that will keep a track log. I was a big fan of bluetooth GPSs at first but after some long cross country's of more than 4 hours, I don't like them as well.

My personal favorite GPS is a compact flash card GPS sold by TeleType that I have plugged into the expansion sleeve on my iPAQ. It's rock solid and will even acquire a GPS lock in my bathroom! (Please don't ask.)

My second favorite (for use with my laptop) is a USB GPS from a company called Rikaline. Very fast updates and it locks on really quick. Even inside the house. (not the bathroom)
So apparently it doens't need a clear view of the sky, huh? I was afraid of a CF GPS because that would limit the mounting possibilites. But if it works in the Throne Room, I'm sure the roof of a rented spam can won't get in the way. Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what software I'll use yet. I've got a free Copilot map program right now just for starters.

Cf Gps

I have used a CF Teletype GPS with my IPAQ for three years, however I also plug in a remote antanna so that I can position the antanna on the glare shield and it works great. I had trouble with the CF GPS until I started using the remote antanna, now I love it. Having said that, I am in the process of upgrading my IPAQ to the new Anywhere Map Raven system which has a build in GPS and a screen that has a 6.5 inch screen (4" wide by 5.25" tall).

Good luck,

Russ Daves
N710RV (RV10 building)
N65RV (RV-6A sold)
Brian130 said:
I've got a free Copilot map program right now just for starters.

Is that Laurie Davis' Copilot for the PalmOS platform? That in conjunction with FlightMaster is a very nice low-cost (and very much overlooked) GPS solution. I use that too. I wish the iPAQs had a flight planner that is as nice as Copilot! My bluetooth GPS has always worked well with my Palm Tungsten T2.
dav1111 said:
I have used a CF Teletype GPS with my IPAQ for three years, however I also plug in a remote antanna so that I can position the antanna on the glare shield and it works great. I had trouble with the CF GPS until I started using the remote antanna, now I love it.

The old RV-4 has such a clear view of the sky I dispensed with the remote antenna. :)

dav1111 said:
Having said that, I am in the process of upgrading my IPAQ to the new Anywhere Map Raven system which has a build in GPS and a screen that has a 6.5 inch screen (4" wide by 5.25" tall).
Russ Daves
N710RV (RV10 building)
N65RV (RV-6A sold)

So does CV actually have delivery dates yet? Or even a price? I haven't seen anything on their website. My only real gripe with Control Vision is that they don't meet promised dates. Or even hinted at dates. :)

So how much is the Raven going for?
Raven Price

As an upgrade from the IPAQ the Raven is going to be about $1700.00. The told me last month they had started shipping and that based on the backorders my ship date would be next month.
svanarts said:
Is that Laurie Davis' Copilot for the PalmOS platform? That in conjunction with FlightMaster is a very nice low-cost (and very much overlooked) GPS solution. I use that too. I wish the iPAQs had a flight planner that is as nice as Copilot! My bluetooth GPS has always worked well with my Palm Tungsten T2.

No... I have an iPAQ. However, I did have a first gen Palm and her program was great. The one I have is a very (VERY) basic version of a moving map program with airport information when you tap on them. It's got airspace, airports, and navaids, but no terrain/weather/etc. But for free, I'll take what I can get.
dav1111 said:
As an upgrade from the IPAQ the Raven is going to be about $1700.00. The told me last month they had started shipping and that based on the backorders my ship date would be next month.

Cool be sure to report on your impressions of the unit when you receive it. I'd be interested in hearing about it.
Brian130 said:
No... I have an iPAQ. However, I did have a first gen Palm and her program was great. The one I have is a very (VERY) basic version of a moving map program with airport information when you tap on them. It's got airspace, airports, and navaids, but no terrain/weather/etc. But for free, I'll take what I can get.

Laurie is a guy by the way. :D

If you're into free GPS moving map stuff (I am too) have you tried PocketFMS? PocketFMS It can be a little flakey to set up but once you get it working it's kind of cool.