
Active Member
Is the Blue Mountain EFIS reliable and have all the bugs been worked out. I am getting ready to plan the panel and need to make a decision between the Chelton synthetic vision and the Blue Mountain. Any advice as to which I should use. The Blue Mountain is cheaper but I read somes threads that scare me against purchasing the BMA. ??? Thanks, Dean
Go to OSH

If you can delay your decision until after Oshkosh, then you can meet with people from both companies. I'm sure after you do that, you will know which of these products to choose. While you are there, you should also meet with the GRT people.
Hi Dean,

These systems really aren't apples to apples at all....I represent both of them, and can tell you a LOT of differences between the two of them - they really are quite different systems. I would take the advice of looking at them in person at OSH, and also some of the other vendors out there.

Contact me off list if you'd like and I'd be happy to help you out on the comparisions...we've installed both of them (just delivered an BMA panel to an RV-9A builder today and a Dual Screen Chelton panel to an RV10 Driver last week).

Anyway, shopping by price isn't necessarily the best idea - of course you have a budget to stick to, but there is a lot of functional differences between systems and wading through the mass of marketing from all the EFIS companies can be overwhelming.

Well, I know my post isn't overly helpfull but before I recommended one over the other I'd really need to know a lot of other info like what you else you plan on putting in the panel, how you plan on flying the plane, where you plan on flying the plane, IFR vs. VFR, radio stack, Engine Monitor, Autopilot, GPS, Etc... all of those things can have an impact on what EFIS works best. Some EFIS's don't play nicely with certain pieces of avionics, gps's, autopilots, etc...and some do!
