
Well Known Member
Blue Mountain launched the G4 series before fully debugging the G3s then got bogged down in a lengthy new product startup. This left a lot of G3 owners without fully functional units.

The last lingering G3 problems that I am aware of were an inability for the autopilot to track the SL30 nav signal and a tendency for the EFIS to lock up freequently.

The latest version of Beta software is now being flown and so far no further lockups. The last several versions of software have been flying the SL30 without difficulty. They have also re programmed the unit so that when coupling the ILS it will act as noted below...

A note about the ILS mode:
We've changed how this mode works a little bit based on feedback we've gotten from a few pilots who actually fly ILS approaches. The ILS AP mode has three different states: "ILS Armed", "ILS Capture" and "ILS". In the "ILS Armed" state, the autopilot follows the heading bug. In the "ILS Capture" state, the AP will continue to follow the heading bug until the CDI needle starts to center. At that point - when the AP is confident that it's got a signal to follow - it will turn to intercept the ILS. In the "ILS" state, AP will just follow the CDI needle.

You switch from "ILS Armed" to "ILS Capture" by pushing in the knob when the HSI page is showing. The AP will automatically switch from "ILS Capture" to "ILS"; no pilot input is needed here.

The basic idea is that while ATC is vectoring you around the sky, you can fly by just adjusting the heading bug. Once ATC clears you to fly a heading to intercept the ILS, you can make a single button press to tell the AP to start looking for the ILS signal.

This thread is not an invitation to start bashing BMA just an update.
If you are unhappy with BMA or feel a need to dogcuss them please start your own thread or go to the BMA website and do it there. I will delete any egregious or hateful responses.

I am not a BMA dealer, service center and recieve no financial reward from them, just a satisfied customer who enjoys doing some of their Beta testing.

I realize the problems they have had and also realize they do not communicate well.

If you are a BMA user and still having problems (with G3 or G4 units) please post them here in at least a civilized manner and I, as well as some of the other beta testers on this forum will attempt to get your questions answered or at least a time table as to when your problems might be addressed.
G4 experience


We have two G4 lite plussed and we are quite content with them. Ok, we still have some quirks and they occasionally freeze (not too much though) but all in all they are amazing units. We have installed the autopilot but not yet tested them. Planning to do that in a couple of week so that could get interesting. Some questions: the altitude calibration was off when we received the units, but that could have something to dowith the fact that we live in Europe... Do you have advise to re-calibrate these settings?
this is good news.. esp. regarding the lock-ups.. When is it expected to be released?

They promise "soon" which may mean weeks to>>>>> but I expect it will be sooner rather than later as they are really getting a lotr of heat from the G3 owners to make these units do what they are supposed to.

Someone raised the question "are we gonna have to pay for the new software if our subscriptions have expired?" My presumption is the firmware portion of the update should be free as it is needed for the unit to function correctly but the database you gotta pay for.

Usually the latest firmware with out of date databases are posted herehttp://bluemountainavionics.com/download.php#syssoft
the altitude calibration was off when we received the units, but that could have something to dowith the fact that we live in Europe... Do you have advise to re-calibrate these settings?


Being in Europe should not affect the calibration. The units are calibrated to be accurate accordinng to the altitude tab in your setup menu.

Does the altimeter register correctly when setting on the ground with the current altimeter setting but is not accurate in the air? Do you have your settings tab set to mm/hg or millibars?

If so you have a static leak or your static port is being pressurised or pulling a vacuum.

If your static system is pressurizing your indicated and True airspeeds will be low, exceedingly so at higher airspeeds your altitude will also read lower than you are but not significantly.. If pulling a vacuum your airspeed will read faster than is correct and altitude will read higher than you are.

Airspeed errors will increase at a rate of 4 times the square of the error. Altitude errors will be small in magnitude and curvelinear.

A static leak can cause either pressurization or vacuum on the system depending on location.

Below is the altitude setup page.

Above where it says calibration array you will see
AD 0 Altitude 46970 unlock with a check box

The AD is the value the unit is seeing when the altitude displayed to the right is being flown.

To adjust the system you need to hook up the test set, go to the altitude page and check the unlock box.

Then one at a time move the test set to the altitude shown in the box in the display column. This altitude should be what is shown at the top. Read the AD value shown at the top and insert this into the corresponding AD box for that altitude. Then repeat for each altitude box. DO NOT CHANGE THE "DISPLAY VALUES" ONLY AD VALUES THAT GIVE THE DISPLAY VALUE.

I would not recommend you use this procedure to recalibrate your system to compensate for static system problems. I did that and totally screwed up my airspeeds and altitudes, ended up sending everything back to the factory to un mess it up.

Also I wouldn't try it unless you are really good at calibrating altimeters and have certified equipment.

Make sure your static system is perfect before anything else.

The autopilot should wok fine if hooked up correctly. It is far superrior to the pre gen 4 units.
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Thanks for the update

I have been flying my G3 for about 90 hours. I am happy with it but I have not really explored the functionality with my SL30. I tried playing with it a few times and just thought it was me not knowing what I was doing. Glad things are coming together with it and I look forward to the new version download when available. Keep us posted.
Fun stuff.