Bryan B

I'm New Here
Just wondering if anyone has the Blue mountain Efis/sport in there flying aircraft for primary EADI and how do you like it. I'm wondering if you really need two units, One for ADI and one for HSI so you dont have to flip back and forth. I realize that your ADI page has Loc and GS on it but its not the HSI and it would take the place of my 106 indicator. If I went with only One unit I would also have a Standby ADI, Altimeter and Airspeed indicator. Also the unit is your autopilot head , Does anyone have this set-up? Thanks for the response in advanced.
Sport or Lite?

The Sport (with the bigger screen) only can get external nav information from the SL30 radio. It has no connection for analog signals like the 106 nav head.
The Lite can replace the 106, it has both digital and analog signal connections.
I am not flying yet, but have installed a Sport on top for ADI and the Lite under it for HSI.

Kent, I did not realize that the Sport could not take the place of the 106 indicator . I did know the Efis Lite could. My question now is, can you use the G/S and CDI for an ILS on your ADI page of your Sport from your Garmin 430, or will it only work on the Lite HSI page. I downloaded the manual for the Sport and I thought it said you could couple this with an External Nav besides the SL-30. Let me know what you think. I also thought of the same thing your doing with the Sport on top and the Lite on the Bottom.
Here is my setup.


BMA Sport (primary ADI).
BMA Lite (primary HSI).
BMA autopilot
SL30 nav/com
GNS 430 gps/nav/com
AT50 (I already had this and it still works)
ACS 2500 (engine monitor)
AOA pro
2.25 inch airspeed
2.25 inch altimeter
3.125 inch turn-n-bank

How it is wired:

Gray-code from Sport to SL30
Gray-code from Lite to GNS430
Analog (OBS - resolver) from GSN430 to Lite.
Digital output (RS232) from SL30 goes to both the Sport and Lite.
Digital input (RS232) to the SL30 comes from a switch that can be connected
to either the Sport or the Lite.
Both the Sport and Lite are connected to a network hub which is connect to the auto-pilot.
One of the hub connections as well as the RS232 connection for the ACS 2500 will be brought out to the front panel.

I am using a light speed ignition on one side and have a B & C backup alternator. I am wiring as per Bob Nuckels all electric airplane and will not have a vacumn system (they suck). The plane is and RV9A with an IO320D1A engine and CS prop.
This panel is close to $30,000.00 and I am doing most of the work. Pacific Coast Avionics did the wiring of the radio, switches and EFIS's. The rest of the panel work, wiring, cutting, painting and lettering I am doing myself.
The engine monitor has been modified to also have airspeed and altitude on it.

I want to fly IFR safely with this plane.
The Sport can be used to fly an ILS with the SL30.
The Lite can be used to fly a GPS or ILS with the 430 and an ILS with the SL30.
If both EFIS's go out I still have the round gages for partial panel work.

I will try to upload some pictures Wednesday, but have not be able to do this when I tried before.

RV9A # 90322 N94KJ
Kent, Thanks for the info. It really sounds nice and I am going to be using alot of the same components you are. I'm building an RV-7, I have the engine already "Lycoming O-360 A1A". My panel is going to be Garmin 340 audio panel, GNS 430, Icom Com, 330 Transponder mode S for traffic, ACS 2500 Engine monitor, Efis Sport for Primary ADI, Efis lite for HSI, BM autopilot and 3 round gauges for STBY ADI, ALT and Airsped. I would love to see a picture of your panel. I havent bought my avionics yet, I was still debating on the Blue Mountain setup. I plan on selling my present aircraft in August to buy my avionics. Thats gonna be a sad day.
I can't upload the pics.

It may be do to the company firewall. I don't know. If there is someway to email the pictures I can do that. There are three pictures about 400K total size.


[email protected]
My panel pictures.

Front view:

Back view:

Front bulkhead:

A couple of things to note.

I had Van's create a panel 1 inch taller so that both EFIS's would fit. Because of the tipup you can't have anything long close to the top of the panel.
On the bulkhead I moved the rib to the left about 2.5 inches. This was need to allow the centering of the EFIS Sport. The Lite's connectors on the back also would interfere with the bulkhead, so that part was cut away and bracing was placed around the opening.
