
Active Member
Has anyone managed to get the SL-30 to talk to serial B yet. My a/p is on serial port A. Like a dummy I do not have a seperate CDI or GS indicator an depend on the EFIS for those indications. When I put anything other than "none", in the serial port B window my GPS quits an the ADI starts a slow tumble. I think BM is working on this but I haven't heard anything for a while. Surely there is enough like configurations, BM Lite an SL-30, that this problem, if widespread, could be addressed.
Thanks Ron
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According to "Larz from Marz" at Blue Mountain as of a few weeks ago the problem with the Serial B Port on the G3 units is still not corrected. If you are willing to give up some of the functionality of the serial interconnect with the SL30 you can hook up the analog connections between the BMA EFIS and the SL30 which will give you a CDI reading on the EFIS.

I have the BMA EFIS lite G3 and the SL30. I have been after them for over two years to correct this defect, but they seem to be unable or incapable of fixing it. I understand that both serial ports are operational on the G4 model so this would be another way you might go.

There are a number of us that are in the same boat on this issue, and I can tell you that it is most frustrating. Good luck making your system work.
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