Has anyone installed the big Screen Blue Mountain?
If so how do you like it? What about downloads? Is is easy and straight forward? Are you using a auto pilot with it? Does the BM come with autopilot survo's? 3 axis or only two? Why would I want a two over the three axis?

What is the main difference between the Smaller BM units and the larger besides money?

What is the difference between the Garmin glass cockpits now installed in the new Cessna's and others and the BM unit?

Why would I want to install the Garmin over the BM?

I know these are small ? for some but I am trying the decide on the instrumentation and need a variety of answers.
Thanks in advance for you help.
Hi Dave... I'll take a stab at this.

The smaller BM units were designed as either a backup attitude system or in the case of the Sport model, for smaller instrument panels. You can get the same info on the Sport as the big screen, but only one screen at a time. You could stack two of them if desired, but they won't talk to each other.

The Garmin system is a fully certified EFIS and would probably cost more that your acft itself. I'm sure it is a nice system, but out of most homebuilder's price range.

Hope this helps some


Unless I'm mistaken, you can't buy a Garmin G1000 at any price. They're only available installed in new certified aircraft.

Flying the Efis/one, and loving it.