Well Known Member
I was just wondering what the limits of blood pressure are for passing a medical

I have been taking blood pressue medication since I was 21. For my student pilot license, the FAA made me have a TREADMILL STRESS TEST. I was 23 or 24 years old. I am now 50. The FAA wants additional info when I get my physical along with EKG and blood work. My primary care physican is also a pilot / airplane owner and my FAA Medical Examiner. This can be bad in that he is required to report conditions that I get to the FAA that would disqualify me from flying. I feel that this is good in that he knows what Rx that I can be given that are approved by the FAA and he helps keep me SAFE to fly. Yes I trust him more than most people trust their doctors. When I pay a doctor or lawyer a fee, I do what they tell me and do not second guess what they are doing. Yes I blindly follow their advice.

If you have high blood pressure, both the EAA and AOPA have medical advice that you can seek to help get you through the FAA process.
AOPA is quite helpful

If you take meds, your doc needs to write a letter stating medication, dosage, and whether the condition is controlled.

The AOPA has a downloadable worksheet that you can give your physician to fill out. (It has spaces for your family history, some blood work values such as blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol, three BP readings on different days, and comments.)

You would also need to include an EKG. (All of this info goes to the AME)

Interestingly, my BP is fine when I take it at home, but it is elevated at the doc's office - so I take a low dosage BP med. No worries, except that that means that I have to do all of the above.

Coincidentally, I just went through all of the office visits and paperwork. It's been 4 weeks since my AME submitted the paperwork to the FAA so I should hear if my 3rd class medical is renewed in a few days.

- - Cautiously optimistic regards to all.
White Coat Syndrome

az_gila said:
Maybe not... but it helps those of us with "white coat hypertension"... :)

gil in Tucson

AMEN! I had used the same doctor for years for my physical; then he moved. When I went for my last physical (new doc) he took my BP and said, "You really don't want to be here, do you?" He took me around the office, showed me the lab and we talked for a while. He re-took my BP and it was down to near my normal 126/70. He could have flunked me if he hadn't read the "signs." WCS is real and it is good to have a doctor that recognizes it. I doubt if I will have a problem on later visits as I think I will be comfortable with him.

Bob Kelly