
Well Known Member
I am going to completely re-do my builders website and was wondering what the latest consensus is regarding the easiest way to do this. The last entry from Doug was back in 2007 and recommended Google to create the blog in and Picasa to transfer pictures. Is this still the thing to do or is there a better solution now.

I am sure it depends on your web builder skills and how complicated a site you want to build but for a novice like me I switched from a website to a blogger blog (link below) and Picassa and found it much easier to post and display pictures, there is even a addon for Firefox called scribefire that will let you post directly from the browser.
Works for me :)
Google Blogger

I'm using Google's Blogger because it's very easy and I'm trying to build more than blog. My blog is more of a "show-and-tell" for friends and family instead of a construction log.

If you want ease of use, Blogger is hard to beat.