Any suggestions on the specs for the 3 blind rivets used to rivets the side skins to the longeron at the base of the 631 cabin frame sub-assembly (roll bar) on the 7A Tip Up?

Roy Samuelson
Which Rivets

I don't remeber putting any blind rivets in the skin at the bottom of the roll bar on my Slider taildragger and can't see any marked on the drawing.
Let me know which drawing and which section and I shall have a look at the aircraft to see what I did.
The access is different with a slider. With the tip-up, the top skin attaches further forward and prevents us from setting three skin to longeron rivets under the roll bar before installing the angle that gets in the way of bucking access.
I used solid rivets here. I can?t remember the exact building sequence I used, but I did not rivet in the heavy angle or permanently install the roll bar until I absolutely had to. I was able to un-cleco the angle, set the three rivets then rivet in the heavy angle ?etc?.
Finley Atherton
9A Firewall Fwd.
I have a QB and was able to use AN rivets in all but the lower corner hole below the roll bar. Creative bucking bars are key to getting at some of those rivets as well as creative assembly mentioned by Finley. Looking ahead can prevent you from literally painting yourself in a corner.

Here's a suggestion: use 3 blind rivets. :) Use a dab of JB Weld to fill the hole if you're worried about looks. I honestly can't even remember if I used blind rivets there or not.

This bucking bar from Clear Air Tools has been handy for me in some tight spots:
