
Well Known Member
I got a lot of private messages asking how the IFR was going in the 7a....

Took my IFR check yesterday, did all the hard stuff perfect, just had one lousy VOR-A approach to do (i.e so easy a 3 year old can do it). Unfortunatly the DE gave me vectors to the outbound leg to make it real simple and I got confused. Turned the wrong way, lost 150 feet when he started complaining and it was all over.

Got back to the ramp dropped off the DE did the paperwork went back outside to find a flat main tire and ground up wheelpant...Took and hour to get the plane back to the hangar, tube is trashed.

OH well 95% of the way there I guess...It won't happen on the retest thats for sure...Tires not withstanding, Michelin Airstops on order.

Cheers and thanks for all the encouragement, this has been a hard road!

Sorry to hear that Frank - but like you said, you only have 5% left to demonstrate! For my money, if the problem is orienting yourself (the navigation and geometry part of instrument flying), it's hard to beat an hour at your desk with any of the popular Flight Simulator programs. It's not like flying a real airplane, and it doesn't count in your logbook, but it is a very efficient way to train the orientation stuff.

Been there, done that on the flat tire - maybe open up your clearances a little bit on the wheel opening, and you won't have a repeat?

Almost there.

You have my absolute sympathy Frank.
I was doing my instrument rating for a Fokker Friendship for a command and after turning inbound on an ADF letdown the 'Checkie' failed the ADF, which had no 'FLAG' (You had to monitor the Morse IDENT) and I did not notice it was failed, until it was too late. Fortunately, a repeat was permitted and I got it right the second time around.

With your mature approach and acceptance of what went wrong, I am sure you will breeze through it next time.

Half the solution is to turn up for the check feeling confident and relaxed.

Good luck mate.
Thanks Paul

From what I have heard the failure rate on the first IFR checkride is pretty high. It is easy to be bummed about failing anything but as you say, almost there!

MY CFII is also building an RV so he might be loaning me a wheel for the retest..:)

Thanks Pete

fodrv7 said:
You have my absolute sympathy Frank.
I was doing my instrument rating for a Fokker Friendship for a command and after turning inbound on an ADF letdown the 'Checkie' failed the ADF, which had no 'FLAG' (You had to monitor the Morse IDENT) and I did not notice it was failed, until it was too late. Fortunately, a repeat was permitted and I got it right the second time around.

With your mature approach and acceptance of what went wrong, I am sure you will breeze through it next time.

Half the solution is to turn up for the check feeling confident and relaxed.

Good luck mate.

Its a lot easier to blow a simple thing than say screwing a complex non precision approach, If I had done that I would probably more in the dumps, but this was easy so it's not a lack of ability per see'

Thanks for the encouragement!

So true.

frankh said:
Its a lot easier to blow a simple thing than say screwing a complex non precision approach.

So true.
I have done both types.

I remember when doing a IR renewal as a young FO in the DC-9, whistling over Brisbane airport at the minima right on track............ at 320KTS.


PS. We didn't get in.
Everyone fails a checkride...

I know it's not an FAA checkride, but I oversped my landing gear on my T-38 Instument checkride in pilot training. I did it about 10 minutes into the flight and I had about 2.5 hours left of flying time ahead of me. I'm a snowballer, so I screwed up like 15 more things after that!

Much easier on the second time around!
I blew my first CFI ride, on the last manuver in the Practice area... short story is, it happens, learn from your mistakes, or get a better moving map :D