
Well Known Member

We're approaching the painting stage for our RV-7 and I'm wondering wether or not to paint the glareshield and part of the upper cowling black (not glossy ofcourse) to avoid sun reflections?

What do you guys with flying RV's say about this?
A good idea or not?

Regards Alf Olav Frog / Norway
Same here.

Cowl white, glareshield flat black.

The reason to go flat and dark on the glareshield, is to reduce reflections at night.


I agree with the above posts. Don't do what I did and paint the panel a light color. Mine is a tan color and it places a glare on the canopy when the sun is shining on it. A flat black or other dark flat finished color should be good. I thought I could get away with the tan since I have flown a lot of Cessnas with a similar color. It is not the same in an RV (low wing).