
Well Known Member
NO prizes in the contest as there is going to be no money left at the end of this rebuilt......but she's going to fly again. The only thing I am adding is the GRT.

During the tear down I obviously have had to remove the panel. It's already totally disassembled. Seems there has been some pretty substantial advances in flat panel technology since I bought my original Dynon D10.

Here is where I am going. I have sent my D10 back to Dynon to be upgraded to a D10A so it can talk to my EMS -D120. I'll use the 120 as a secondary EFIS screen with engine monitoring. Pretty nice upgrade for an additional $420.00. As you all have seen, I have sold my steam altimeter, airspeed and VSI. The only one of those I ever looked at was the VSI.

For my primary EFIS I have gone with Grand Rapids HS, with the upgrade to HX and synthetic terrain. All my engine monitoring will be on the Dynon since I have all the sensors. This give me two EFIS's with engine monitering from two different companies along with battery backup EFIS on the D10A. I can also flip flop Dynon screens, split screen it, etc. I'll couple my Garmin 430 to the GRT and drive my Trio Auto Pilot, which I learned to love even in a very short time, and use all the bells and whistles in the GRT unit, and there are some pretty nice bells and whistles in there.

My carbon fiber panel was three inched longer than the standard Van's panel. I am doing the same thing this time, thanks to Steve Eberhart, so I have "extra" room.

Above the throttle, prop and mixture will be my toggle switches again, flaps, lights, pump, E Buss and so on.

These pics are very, very prelim so hammer away. I'll redraw until we come up with something good.

This picture looks like it has too many EFIS in one area.......where are we going, which was is up...


I'm liking this one a little better, I could put my start button under the Trio's on the left and maybe even the master, left, right mag.


I'll probably have to lower the Garmins in the top picture and/or the Dynon in the bottom picture to clear that center rib that has the the support for the the roll bar attach bar. I would like to keep it as symmetrical as possible.

If you have "low cost" additions, fire away but remember you are into my pocket, ie., Angle of Attack on the Dynon. I do want to add traffic to the GRT. I have flown with a friend in his Cirrus and used his Zaon PCAS XRX. The GRT will display the data on it's screen as opposed to the Zaon screen. I would like to hide the unit though......can you hide that gray unit anywhere?? I have flown with Mike Stewart several times but he get's his data from his Garmin 330, I have a 327.

Thoughts, ideas, opinions all welcome.

BTW, Barrett Precision Engines started on my new engine yesterday....barrels are black.......I would recommend anyone in the engine market to check out their website and look at the personal touches they put into their engines for enhanced performance. In addition, Rhonda and Allen are great to work with.

Fire away, parts on order. No grass is going to grow under Black Magic.
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Not to dump on you after all you've been through, but why would you clutter up the panel with 3 EFIS units? I'd stick with either the dynon, or go with a Dual GRT setup. My favorite right now is actually the Advanced EFIS system, but what do I know.

Anyway, if you already have everything, I'd put the dual dynons in Black Magic and save the GRT for a Rocket or something.
Not to dump on you after all you've been through, but why would you clutter up the panel with 3 EFIS units? I'd stick with either the dynon, or go with a Dual GRT setup. My favorite right now is actually the Advanced EFIS system, but what do I know.

Anyway, if you already have everything, I'd put the dual dynons in Black Magic and save the GRT for a Rocket or something.

If you look at what the GRT will do, it is much more than just an EFIS. I'm dumping my Garmin 106A NAV head and will use the GRT for that function, along with weather, traffic, drive the autopilot, highway in the sky.....kinda the list goes on.

I had always wanted to send the Dynon D10 back for the 10A upgrade but didn't want to pull it from the panel. One thing I have against Dynon is getting to those little lock nuts up behind the panel. Since I had the EMS D120, my thinking is to throw the EFIS function over to the larger screen along with engine monitoring. I would use the Dynon more as an engine monitor. I have to have the 10A to do all that, plus I do end up with the little 10A as a system failure EFIS backup with it's internal battery...

Plus I am not dependent on one company.


Now remember, I said inexpensive additions..........have you seen the price of dual GRT's.......the GRT is coming out of my pocket:eek: However, this is the time to make upgrades if I want.....and can afford (biggie) them.

A couple of thoughts...

In order to have your engine probes feed both the GRT and D120 you will have to put a switch on every one of them. Check the Dynon forum, there is a question on there about using two D180's and sharing the probes. It sounds like the thing to do is to either go with a single engine monitor or double the probes. I would probably go with the single engine monitor.

Since the D10A has a really nice HSI display, why not keep that on the left, next to the GRT, and put the D120 on the right side, next to your movie screen, that way your passenger can have an EFIS display.

In order to have your engine probes feed both the GRT and D120 you will have to put a switch on every one of them. Check the Dynon forum, there is a question on there about using two D180's and sharing the probes. It sounds like the thing to do is to either go with a single engine monitor or double the probes. I would probably go with the single engine monitor.

Since the D10A has a really nice HSI display, why not keep that on the left, next to the GRT, and put the D120 on the right side, next to your movie screen, that way your passenger can have an EFIS display.

My plan is to not use the GRT for engine monitering, since I have all the Dynon probes, wiring and all. I'm not wanting to start from scratch. My thinking, tell me if I'm wrong as this is the time to change course, is to split screen the D120 with engine monitoring and/or HSI, trip computer, EFIS, etc., and simply use the 10A as means to transfer the EFIS functions over to the larger 120 screen. I would then use the 10A as a EFIS, most of the, time for the passenger.

Am I thinking wrong............

Mods, if you want to move this over to Glass Cockpit, fire away.
The D10A makes a great HSI but you would need an HS34 to make that work well with the 430.

GRT is great for features but allot of them you won't be able to take advantage of with the TRIO because it does not support GPS steering.
I always said that folks that walk around with a 'bad toupee' must not have any friends...otherwise someone would have told them how bad it looks :D. Drum roll please.......OK looks horrible :eek:. I feel better :). Obviously functionality is paramount....but asthetics and ergo are important too IMO. I realize that you presented a 'draft' so I'm sure your 'final' will be nice :).

Why you want 'different vendors' is beyond me (I guess you're thinking that one might quit....but you still only have one engine???). Are you sure you need 3 screens with EFIS in an RV7? You do know that you won't be using the single screen GRT for EFIS/Hits and the GPS/wx/traffic at the same time...right? Everything gets real tiny when you start splitting screens. You sound like you're firm on the GRT (good choice) and I know you're on a budget. Why don't you simply bag the other stuff and go with the dual screen GRT hi res screens. They even come with dual AHRS these days...that might help your 'different vendor' thoughts. When considering do NOT need the HX synthetic terrain (bells/whistles) so you can save a couple grand there. If you want a little more 'color' then order the GPS's also NOT needed but it's only $35 bucks.

You asked and it's your panel/money.....just trying to help buddy :).

Good Luck with your rebuild.
.....OK looks horrible :eek:. I feel better :). I realize that you presented a 'draft' so I'm sure your 'final' will be nice :).

Why you want 'different vendors' is beyond me (I guess you're thinking that one might quit....but you still only have one engine???). Are you sure you need 3 screens with EFIS in an RV7?
You asked and it's your panel/money.....just trying to help buddy :).

Good Luck with your rebuild.

Hah, with friends like this.....................;)

I do want symmetry, I've seen too many panels that looks like stuff got thrown onto it with velco and they stuck wherever they hit. I've got a blank panel to work with. The three EFIS's: I certainly don't need three but I already have the Dynons, and I have to keep the little D10A to throw it over to the EMS D120 so I've got to stick the little screen somewhere.............over to the pax side for them to look at and I use the big screen on the D120. As I am cycling through the screens on the GRT for weather or whatever, the D120 can be on EFIS, otherwise the D120 is my primary engine moniter. Money is the reason I am keeping the Dynons, plain and simple.

Here is my thinking, I use the GRT as primary EFIS, below it is my primary radio the 430, below it is my transponder, to the left and away from pax is my auto pilot. I have the "stuff" I use in front of me and everything from the right side of GRT right is just monitered.

Too late, the money has already been spent on the HX:eek:
GRT is great for features but allot of them you won't be able to take advantage of with the TRIO because it does not support GPS steering.

What I have found out is the Trio will accept RS signal from the GRT unit in the lateral mode and will use it's own internal course intercept mode and switch to track .5 mile out with a 25 degree intercept angle. So while it won't do actual GPS steering, a little vigilance and practice on the pilots part, should be able to make it work OK. The RS signal from the GRT will be throwing out "artificial" waypoints. The Trio will not accept vertical nav, so I will just have to to use the Trio 3 function for vertical nav. Still seems pretty high tech to me.
Thanks Rick

Rick said everything I was going to say. Dana, there is no consistency or symmetry. Start with a clean sheet. Don't mix a bunch of different brands. Keep your efis stuff in front of you and radio stack in a stack.

Go to Vertical Powers site and look at Marc's panel. Even if you don't use his system his panel is the best example of function, form and simplicity.

What you have is a kludged together mess, all of them. Also you asked for help but have attempted to rationalize your decisions. Don't ask then.

Simple solution, 1 Advanced Systems flight deck dual system, Trutrak auto pilot, Garmin stack. Done deal. Simple and functional.
OK looks horrible :eek:. I feel better :). Obviously functionality is paramount....but asthetics and ergo are important too IMO. I realize that you presented a 'draft' so I'm sure your 'final' will be nice :).

You asked and it's your panel/money.....just trying to help buddy :).

Good Luck with your rebuild.

How bout this Rickster:


Or this:

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How bout this Rickster:

this is better:


and lining the edges of the instruments up (on the left) would do a lot to the esthetics. When the edges are not lined up it is a little too Picasso like IMO :).

I would recommend that you ask around to find out if all these devices will talk to each other. That can be a nightmare to get to happen when you mix products from Garmin, GRT, Dynon and TruTrak to name the major ones you have mentioned. There is a GRT Yahoo forum on GRT stuff that, if you are not already a member, I would recommend looking into. Getting the GRT to talk to the Garmin and TruTrak is an issue being discussed on that forum at this time. Simplifying to the fewest number of brands has been discussed and may be good advice. Best of luck. Sorry about the reason for the re-build. Sounds like you are making lemonade though.
I hate to say this Dana, but I am going to have to join a few of the Naysayers here.....

I have flown and installed both Dynon's and GRT, and it is no secret that i feel the GRT is a tremendous system (my personal "best choice"), but with what you are proposing, you will be missing out on the best features and will probably end up disappointed. The GRT is an Integrated EFIS - it shines when it has all the engine, systems, and Nav data to put together and present to the pilot. When you take away the engine and fuel monitoring, you'll have minimal intelligence coming from the box, and just have a pretty display (a very bright and pretty display!). I don't think that you'll have much luck in getting the GRT and Dynon's to talk to one another (although I could very well be wrong - haven't tried it), so I'd recommend either going with the Dynon's or selling them and using the extra money to buy a full-up GRT system.

I have forgotten if you're talking VFR or IFR for your mission, but that could make a difference in which way you go - I've written enough on this in the past, and don't need to repeat it here.

As far as dissimilar equipment - I think that you're probably going beyond where I would go - in fact, you're adding for more complexity (in both installation and readability) than you are redundancy. I like the idea of a D10A as a backup to a big EFIS if you have the room, and I am comfortable with the D10A/D180 combo in Louise's airplane. But I think mixing two "big screen" systems is going to give you fits when it comes to remembering how to work it in flight, when the chips are down.

All opinions, of course,

I think I like choice #2 (bottom) the best from above. Won't try to suggest one way or the other as far as mixing dynon/grt. I certainly understand your line of thinking $$$ and if you're happy with the plan fine. Dual ahrs from different manufacturers running different software doesn't sound like a bad IFR plan (if as Paul says you can remember how to run all the different boxes at the same time and under stress).

One Q though? Looking at the option above, can you fit the the two big boxes stacked? Put the GRT/primary EFIS over the big dynon/engine monitor, move the 430/transponder to the center and keep the d10a and other little boxes on the left? If the big boxes can be stacked it might improve symetry??

As far as d10a in front of the passenger goes it's great for them and pilot passengers but limits its usefulness to you as a backup. And it's your electrical failure backup so I'd hate to have to read the little screen from across the panel.
Duh, thats the first choice on the first page.:rolleyes: Anyway, it'll look better with just engine monitoring on the dynon below the GRT (rather than the split screen you show in that example). Plus if you run both on an EFIS they won't agree exactly and it would be annoying trying to decide which one you want to believe.
I hate to say this Dana, but I am going to have to join a few of the Naysayers here.....

I don't think that you'll have much luck in getting the GRT and Dynon's to talk to one another (although I could very well be wrong - haven't tried it), so I'd recommend either going with the Dynon's or selling them and using the extra money to buy a full-up GRT system.

I have forgotten if you're talking VFR or IFR for your mission, but that could make a difference in which way you go - I've written enough on this in the past, and don't need to repeat it here.

But I think mixing two "big screen" systems is going to give you fits when it comes to remembering how to work it in flight, when the chips are down.

All opinions, of course,


I hope I am getting my point across in that the "big screen" Dynon will be used primarily for only for engine monitoring. My fuel flow is already tied to the Dynon, EGTs, CHTs....the list goes on. It would only be a backup EFIS. If I look at doing two GRT's , let's just say one HX and one HS along with engine monitoring I am at $10,300. You have to remember, this upgrade is coming out of my pocket.

If I go that route, I'm going to have to replace a boatload of sensors and wires............and I have a return to flight date in mind. I could sell the Dynon stuff and go GRT but my thinking is I have already cut all the harness wires to length to fit my airplane. If I say the harness is included for the EMS-D120 I would have to so seriously discount the price, I'd be giving it away because someone would have to splice probably all the wires and may even have to replace the CHT harness. Thoughts????????????

I'm open to all thoughts, that is why I posted this so don't take my thoughts as not appreciative but $10.3 is something to think about when I have

I have no desire for the Dynon and GRT to talk to each other, each will be performing it's own function.

Not going with the GRT is not a consideration. It will be my primary flight instrument. Let's get that out of the way;)
so I'd recommend either going with the Dynon's or selling them and using the extra money to buy a full-up GRT system.

I have forgotten if you're talking VFR or IFR for your mission,


Paul, the answer to your question is IFR.

Thoughts on this. I know this isn't the classified section but....

The GRT will be in my airplane. Now, if I sell the EMS-D120 and upgraded D10 to D10A I may be able to use the money to put in a GRT HS screen. A new D10A is listed at $2,200.00 and a new EMS D120 with tray and harness is $2600.00. I have to come up with at least $3,500.00 to remotely cover my additional costs. Is there anything the HS, under the HX, will not do or is there any reason, other than a super screen, to have two HX's??
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There's no real reason to "must have" two HX's.. I'm told one HX and one HS is the most popular combo that's sold by GRT these days.

A few other points:

1) Sensor package isn't included in the price of EMS120 anyways, so you wouldn't be shorting your potential buyer anyways.

2) There's a HIGH possibility that GRT EIS can use existing probes.. at least EGT/CHT.. not sure about Oil pressure/temp... it's a few hundred bucks.. I'd be checking with both companies.

Nothing wrong with Dynon, but if you're sold on GRT HX, I see no reason why you'd keep any of your Dynon equipment. As Paul already mentioned, GRT shines when used as a "system" since it is a system and not just an EFIS.

(disk lamer: I'm a very happy GRT customer)

Good luck either way. Do keep esthetics in mind when placing things around... it pays back eventually.
Still not how I want it.

Gonna have to study all the input. I'm just still not happy at all with any of my panel designs. Got to do some twicking. My other panel was just so symetrical, and this one will be............even if it takes me being light in the pocket.:eek:

Truly thanks gang for the input.

Hi Dana,

I know we are spending your money.... :D

If it were me, I wouldn't want a mix of Engine and EFIS displays, I think is looks 'wrong' and the complications of learning and performing under pressure situations would be a concern.

A large part of the value / power of the GRT (I know I'm biased too) is the intergration of the fuel / engine with the GPS maps etc.

If you sold the Dynon engine monitoring and went dual GRT HS (which is shipping) today, you could upgrade to the HX once things settle down a little (for the delta $$). The hi res, bright screen is the same between the HX and HS, the only major difference is the senthetic vision, AFAIK....

SV - I "see" it as a nice idea, but is it going to make a DIFFERENCE to your flying today. I think putting any $$ towards a 330 or Zaon would provide better bang4$ / saftey margin. I would also consider keeping the external CDI/OBS - but that is just me (and NZ CAA IFR regs).

An AoA system is also something I'm learning to love on 'Thr' - the basic sport model does just fine.

With no traditional instruments - a redundant supplier of an EFIS for the P2 position I think is an excellent idea.

Just another NZ$0.02,

Get that tennis player image out of there

If you were selling a plane with that panel I would not give it a second thought. Pass. Gotta be blunt since this is my opinion.

Why is the engine glass in front middle instead of the flight instruments?

If that tennis player thingie is for the passenger nix it and put in a DVD player and x96 GPS in the back, pillows, blankie, cupholder, snack holder, etc.

Trying to make it to the KR gathering?

First, way to go diving right back in! I'm working a panel retrofit now, and like you, am working with some of what I have, and some of what I'm buyin' (with budget constraints). I'm adding a D10A and Dynon autopilot to a D100, and replacing old Terra's with Garmins, so some is similar to yours, in a VFR sorta way. Ran out of $$ "authorization" there and am sticking with the VM-1000 (Maybe a Dynon EMS someday!). Symmetry, ergonomics, information management and aesthetics have been big factors, so I've been doing the same thing...trying e-panel dry run version 1-999...drives ya crazy, huh! So I feel your pain...well, at least the panel part...the rest...well, you're sure kicking butt after what happened.

I can't speak to mixing systems and what will play well together, or to whether it'll pay to sell the Dynon and go all GRT. My personal pref is going with same-mfgr groups, but it's just pref. Based on the premise that you're going with what you've got, I played on e-panel builder and came up with a couple ideas (while stuck tied to a desk for the day in the back of a briefing hall).

In the first, I stuck with your basic plan, but moved the D10A below the GRT, and stacked the radios under the big Dynon. Concur with you that using the 120 primarily as the engine monitor will avoid info overload, with 3 horizons moving around to grab your eyes. If the D10A went below the GRT, perhaps consider running the D10A as an HSI most of the time...that gives you a fairly square scan of ADI, HSI, GPS, and Engine Instruments, with fairly nice vertical and horizontal groupings. And it gives you a useful ADI backup if you're down to the backup battery on the D10A and the rest has gone dark. Also puts the radios above your right hand, making changes there easy ergonomically. Not sure if putting the Trio and Alt hold back to the left are show stoppers, but they seemed look best there in this design. The switches are just for ref...I know you said your panel is taller.


In the second, I moved the 120 and radios to the center of the cockpit, and moved the DVD lower, to allow possible expansion...maybe adding a D100 to allow right seat flying or give the pax more to look at than reruns of an old tennis match (I know, bad joke). :) Just in case you wanted to add an EFIS to the right side down the road, this layout may be something to consider. Of course, that's a LOT of EFIS screens in one 42"ish panel!


Still a bit clunky...have fun tweaking away!!

Hey, just some thoughts, as I know how you can pull your hair out trying to make it just right. I'm sure they're worth less than $.02 :) Best of luck, and looking forward to seeing the progress on Black Magic!

Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
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If you were selling a plane with that panel I would not give it a second thought. Pass. Gotta be blunt since this is my opinion.

Trying to make it to the KR gathering?

I'll be blunt here.................

As I said in my first post, this is the equipment list, oldest son starting 4th. year of Med School and youngest starting an advanced ATP program kinda place priority on money. I'm kinda thinking if I put it together correctly it will operate and look great. I ask for inexpensive changes as this is coming out of my pocket. I'm living with what I have so I was just looking for position ideas. Come on now, if I were King for a Day I'd integrate all the stuff mentioned but I'm not, just a lowly infantryman.

Edited to make it civil after that above comment.
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Why is the engine glass in front middle instead of the flight instruments?

If that tennis player thingie is for the passenger nix it and put in a DVD player and x96 GPS in the back, pillows, blankie, cupholder, snack holder, etc.

Here are a couple pictures of my previous panel, the engine monitor in the middle worked great. The tennis thingie for the passenger was fun to have, do you have a pic of a nice cupholder?;)



Really all I am doing is replacing the D10 with the GRT, removing the steam guages and putting the D10 somewhere else.
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First, way to go diving right back in! I'm working a panel retrofit now, and like you, am working with some of what I have, and some of what I'm buyin' (with budget constraints).
Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6

Bob, thanks some good ideas.
Slow Down

Dana, Slow down.........Just reading your posts makes me worn out!:D Really, I hear the deadline crunch but the high level of energy you have going into it seems to be an invitation for mistakes. Remember the adage "hast makes waste." You have done a lot of the work building the first time but I hear a lot of change going on to the panel that can possibly bite you. Give yourself time to digest some of the things that are being put forth for you and your project. Best of luck.
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Ok Dana, I understand where you are coming from, let me see if I can save you a little money.

Your GRT is the primary EFIS, does the majority of all your stuff. The Dynon D10A does your engine monitoring functions normally. In the case that for some reason the GRT goes black, the Dynon can be switched to EFIS mode (Still central on the panel) since it will alarm if something on the engine side goes out of parameters. You don't need the D120 for anything (have the dual redundant, different brand EFIS units already). You unclutter the panel, save weight, money, and time. You will get the EXACT same functionality out of this setup in the real world, with less button pushes to worry about to setup everything.

Remember, if you don't use a piece of equipment in your cockpit every time you fly, you don't need it there. (General rule, exception being autopilot...)

Even in HARD IFR this setup should be more than enough, then you can pimp out some other part of the airplane with the money saved on the D120 (or made if you resell it.)
The Dynon D10A does your engine monitoring functions normally. In the case that for some reason the GRT goes black, the Dynon can be switched to EFIS mode (Still central on the panel) since it will alarm if something on the engine side goes out of parameters. You don't need the D120 for anything (have the dual redundant, different brand EFIS units already).

His D10A is an EFIS only and without the D120 connected to it, cannot display engine data. There is no small form factor dual mode unit from Dynon.
His D10A is an EFIS only and without the D120 connected to it, cannot display engine data. There is no small form factor dual mode unit from Dynon.

Hi Dana, I guess the only thing I might do differently would be to upgrade the D-120 to a D-180 rather than upgrade the D-10 to a D-10A. Then sell the D-10 to help offset the cost of upgrading the D-120. This way you would be simplifying your panel without giving up any functionality. I understand keeping the D-10 to send the attitude display to the D-120 but upgrading the D-120 to a D-180 eliminates the need to do that.

Just my .02 worth from sunny southern Indiana. As soon as I get your old panel the carbon fiber will start flying. I won't be the reason Black Magic sits on the ground any longer than necessary.

I now have a target, I think I can get my "Sky Terrier" in the air just about the same time you get Black Magic back in the air :)
Silly Ideas from a wanna-be

A couple of options based on your old panel and parameters you laid out:



Hope this helps you, or provides a 'spring-board' for you to work out the panel you want.

Good Luck!
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His D10A is an EFIS only and without the D120 connected to it, cannot display engine data. There is no small form factor dual mode unit from Dynon.

Thats news to me... back to the drawing board I guess. I'm starting to come around to the idea selling the D10A and going with the FlightDek180 in its place, with the same configuration you've got already.

BTW, I've flown with the GRT EIS hooked up to a single GRT screen for Engine monitoring ONLY, and it's really a great engine monitor, better IMHO than the Dynon (although I've only played with that on the bench.)

I think either way you should be looking at two screens max, as I see it here are the options:

GRT + FlightDek180 (two big screens, conflicting interfaces)

Dual GRT ($ is an issue)

GRT + D10A (Change sensor package to GRT, probably the cheapest.)

Why won't the Dynons EGT's and CHTs and stuff work with the GRT? They should be all the same if they both use the same "letter" probes. I know you can use EI probes with a JPI, and GEM probes with an EI or JPI, I don't think there is that big a difference, and the GRT allows you to calibrate a lot of the stuff too.

The one thing I don't like about the GRT is mounting the extra box (EIS). Looks pretty sloppy IMHO and doesn't do anything.
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Another Idea for your panel


Ok, maybe this one is more of a 'variation-on-a-Theme'.


Anyway, good luck!!! I for one will be real interested to hear what you come up with; it seems you are getting alot of very good suggestions.

And thanks to all of you here at VAF Forums. I have been sneeking around in the shadows for about two years; thought it was time I came and sat down by the campfire. You folks have been great teachers without even knowing.

Dan S