
Well Known Member
I need to start this thread with a thank you to so many people. I have repeatedly said, it is not the airplane, it is people that make this aviating thing we do the great thing it is. My experience, during the rebuild of Black Magic simply confirmed my above statement. I don't want to leave anybody out, so I'm going to cover all with an umbrella. Thanks to all who: offered words of encouragement, showed up to help in moving her, rebuilding her, just stopping by for a chat, building parts, VAF, companies who went out of their way to get me parts when I needed them. The list is quite large and I do appreciate everything and everybody.

Here she was the day before the "big hit":


One of the things I wanted to do with Black Magic was use her for camping. This trip was only the second time she had been out of the Phase 1 test area. This was Memorial Day weekend Saturday last year. I was stilling grinning after 49.2 hours on the hobbs. Little camping, little bottle of wine...nice!!

On the way back home on Sunday, after stopping in Elizabethtown, KY for lunch, I returned to find the view that most on this list have seen many times:


Additional pictures in this thread:

The rebuild:
After removing the forward deck, it was found the longeron on the passenger side had suffered no damage. This was great news. With that said though, think EVERYTHING from the roll bar forward had to be removed, with Kahuna building the new passenger side fuel tank.

Since I had it all apart....again....I listened to my oldest son, who continually said, "Dad, you are never going to have it apart like this again, put it back together the way you want it"!! Rhonda and Allen at Barrett Precision just so happened to have an O-360 on the cart. Having a Barrett hanging off the front of Black Magic was a no brainer. Next came addressing the panel. I decided to go with a new GRT HX as my primary and sent my original Dynon D10 back to have it upgraded to a D10A so I could connect it to my existing Dynon EMS D180. In addition, Trio upgraded my autopilot from a two to a three giving me ability to climb and level off at a given airspeed or VSI. I coupled the Garmin 430, Garmin 327 and Trio through the GRT unit and also coupled the Dynons to the 430. This would give me one EFIS not dependent on pitot but also one EFIS with internal battery and I could use existing engine monitoring wiring, probes, etc. I ended up with a much more IFR functioning panel. More wiring........

As for the alum. replacement from the roll bar forward, think just following the plans from instrument panel forward. Get the engine rehung, hook up all the fuel lines, oil line, probes, baffling, control cables, hang the new blended airfoil prop..thanks KC, new windscreen, fiberglass work, now that dang cowl, paint!! One long sentence......several long months

Anyway, nine and a half months ( I know she was two weeks late in gestation) later, time to go back to the airport last Friday:


Now the two pictures I really, really, really want to post. Here she is sitting there last evening in the hangar.



I posted those pics because as of last night, she is able to be re-flown!! I have a tic list of little things to do that will take me probably about a week to address. Abby, at Flightline Interior sent me some new upholstery pieces. I want to get those installed.

Sure was a nice feeling, looking back over my shoulder at her, as I turned the lights off in the hangar and locked the door last night:D
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Congratulations, Dana. Black Magic looks fantastic...again! Look forward to hearing about your second first flight.
Chills, really, Dana....

.......when I saw your re-born babe!! We've all been following this rebuild and egging you on in our thoughts.

What a great post Dana!! You've shown what perseverance is all about on this project buddy!

Looks great, Dana. There's a dinged -6A in my area that's going back together and, even sitting on the sidelines, I can't wait to see it take to the air again. I can only imagine how you must feel.
Outstanding Dana. Just think. You will have the trill of two first flights with the same airplane!

One suggestion that I have. Perhaps you should put one of those "Back off!!" bumper stickers somewhere on Black Magic. Just in case....;)

Hope your second first flight is uneventful and smooth.

Do you need to go back into phase 1 again?
Do you need to go back into phase 1 again?

This will certainly generate thoughts amongst people reading VAF but the local FSDO, and my DAR both said I do not need to officially go back into Phase 1. Their reasoning was I simply replaced damaged "parts" with new parts exactly the same. This carries on to replacing an experimental A1A with another A1A and the HC-C2YR-1BF with another constant speed HC-C2YR-1BFP. I am simply relaying what I was told by, like I said, the local FSDO and my original DAR. I would have thought otherwise. It does not, and would not, require any other inspections. Reentering Phase 1 would have been for 5 hours. I'll probably take at least that much time to get in enough flights to do all the post flight inspections I want to do and just generally wring her out. One thing I will have to do is the condition inspection prior to second first flight.

Don't shoot the piano player, I'm simply relaying what I was told by the officials.
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Looks really nice Dana

Like everyone else I have followed the whole sorry sage but I am verry pleased to see Black Magic airworthy again.


You might think we helped, but it is you that had the drive, determination, positive attitude, sense of humor, and DESIRE to rebuild Black Magic.

That is one beautiful RV.

Well Done!
...the drive, determination, positive attitude, sense of humor, and DESIRE to rebuild Black Magic.

That is one beautiful RV.

Well Done!

That does say everything. The community sure gave you a lot of support...a great story in itself...but Dana, you have been a real inspiration to many. BM looks absolutely great, and happy flying!!! :)

Well done!

Black Magic


Sorry I missed the party but the pics make up for it.

Much better than the phone calls on Memorial Day.

Now, go have fun again.
You might think we helped, but it is you that had the drive, determination, positive attitude, sense of humor, and DESIRE to rebuild Black Magic.

That is one beautiful RV.

Well Done!

Thanks all for the kind words. All I can do is shake my head and smile thinking of all the help I truly got through this process. As for determination, I can assure you it came from the enjoyment I got from flying her for those 49.2 hours. I have NEVER flown an airplane that was so much fun to fly and one that simply flew better than any other airplane I have ever flown. For those of you still building, head to your shop's worth it!!
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Way to go Dana! I've been following the whole story from start to finish. You handled the whole situation unbelievably well. What a beautiful job restoring it to pristine condition! Heres to many, many enjoyable hours in the air with your new old buddy black magic!
Bob, one of the things my oldest son wanted me to do was turn BM into a Super 7!! I came really, really close to doing it.......

Dana, that would have made Black Magic one mean flying machine...but to be honest, I think it looks pretty "Super" just like it is!! :)

Great N-number too! ;)

How's the new and improved panel looking? ya can't wait to get it back in the air!

Hope to see you at OSH!!

Congrats, she looks bee-autiful. To the issue of Phase 1... Your DAR/FSDO's interpretation is the same one that is pretty much universally recognized. There may be the occasional dissenting opinion, but overall, if you don't change anything, just R&R damaged parts, no Phase 1 needed. Same thing in the certified world, if you just repair an airplane by replacing a wing assembly with a like unit, no 337 or major repair approval needed, just a logbook entree.

Wow, Black Magic looks absolutely amazing! I can't wait to understand what it's like to have such an amazing and beautiful plane. My sister was trying to relate the difference in flying the F-22 verse the F-15 and you just summed it up, you have to fly one.

Wishing you MANY more hours of safe flying.

My sister was trying to relate the difference in flying the F-22 verse the F-15 and you just summed it up, you have to fly one.

Just a heads up gang, KC is the guy who traded prop spots with me so I could continue work on the cowling, and other as-sundry firewall forward work. If you remember, I posted a question on VAF on a Weds. asking if anyone would be willing to trade Hartzell spots. I woke up Thursday to find an email from IRAQ flying, offering to trade his spot. We communicated with Van's to find his prop was sitting on the shipping dock ready to ship. Remember, this was on Thursday. We got the shipping address changed and FedEx freight delivered the prop on FRIDAY!! When KC got back from Iraq this last trip, he had a new prop sitting there waiting on him. When I said, it's the people, not the airplane.........need I say more?

Thanks again, KC

BTW, go read his blog
Thats great, Dana!
Call me , We'll go flyin.

Scott Hersha "Bar" is going to try and make it down either tomorrow or Saturday in his new 8 fastback. Anybody else in the area that wants to stop by i39 and help pull a wire or two, drink an adult beverage or two or just drool over Scott's fastback 8..............come on down!!