
Well Known Member
As of this afternoon, Black Magic is owned by a VAF member in California. I'll leave it up to the new owner to "come forward" if he wants to. The plan right is for me to fly her to her new home Thursday.

Now some interesting medical news. I don't know if I was just naive or Forrest Gump stupid:eek: but Webb called me over the weekend and gave me some well needed medical billings information. I had no idea the price for various procedures, co pays, money up front, etc. was negotiable. To make this RV related, just think, the money you save could go for that new 496, avgas or maybe that finish kit. Hospitals will accept substantially less than the originally quoted price. Like I said, naive, stupid, whatever....I am a quick learner.

Money was saved.

Hum, repeat offender..........
Way to go Web!

Good luck new Black Magic Owner!

Best to ya Dana! (Careful where you park it on your delivery flight ;) )
I hope he/she treats her well!
I had a hernia in the beginning of the year. I had a $10,000 deductible. I was told the total bill was going to be $13,000! I started calling and I got out of there for under $2,600! It scares you doesn't it!
Hey....what are friends for anyway!!! However, you should have heard him carp when I told him my fee was a box of Cuban cigars (hehe).

Dana - It's time to man up and get fixed and get back in the saddle, I mean cockpit again. Good luck and I'll stop by your home base on the way to the folks so you can get an RV fix in while you are grounded.
I suspect Dana has already ordered his RV8 tail kit. Dana has been flying with the Cincy River Rats lately and with Bud "Joker" Newhouse in particular alot. Over the last few years anyone that has had any contact with Joker(flown on his wing), has eventually traded their 6 or 7 for a tandem RV.:D
Good luck Dana!

I wonder how long Sharpie wil be able to resist the "Joker Effect"

Best of luck with everything!

I know selling Black Magic was a difficult decision to make.

Heck, all of your troubles make my little bum pup seem trivial.

Once I get the thing back in the air, you are more thane welcome to fly it.

Thanks again for the help! Your advice on the wing removal was spot on.
No doubt.. that Barrett engine and a brand new BA prop are half the amount... so this was a major steal! Hopefully the valuations will correct themselves (upwards, of course) in due time..