
Well Known Member
Well after finally getting my power back on, after being without power since the ice storm last Tuesday, I can post the conclusion of the insurance claim.

I got a call this morning from Eric Rank, my claims adjuster for AIG in Atlanta. US Specialties, the insurance carrier for the jump school has paid AIG 100% of AIG's request for subrogation of AIG's payout to me for repairing Black Magic. As those who have followed this process since last Memorial Day Sunday, I opted to go through my insurance's hull coverage to cover the repair of Black Magic, as I found it was much easier to go through them, as they were obviously my advocate. It was fairly obvious from the beginning, AIG expected this 100% compensation. This is great news, as my account with AIG does not show a negative balance. I cannot say enough good things from my dealing with AIG, and Eric Rank. They were understanding, professional and helped me through this process. My experience with them was nothing but outstanding.

The rebuild process is going much slower than I ever expected. A rebuild is much slower, harder and just a pain than the initial build. Although she will fly again, it is going to be later rather than sooner. With all that said though, the joy of flying her last year for 49.2 hours was an absolute blast. Keep on pounding....I'm in the fiberglass stage....when you fly it for the first time, you'll kick yourself in the butt for not finishing your project sooner!!
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People tend to forget that the insurance division of AIG has been highly profitable.

Glad to hear everything's going well... can't wait to see pics of you back in the air in that pretty black plane! :)
Glad you got power back on.

I'm currently build a -12 from scratch, but have rebuilt and repaired several RV-s over the years. Build is straight forward where repair / rebuilding is an art. I'm having fun doing both .
Glad you got power back on.


I tell you what, I like to camp with the best of them and camped the first weekend of November and a weekend in Jan. but not having any power the first morning of two days of freezing rain then snow the next day, gas stations down, can't pump kerosene, from Tuesday until Sunday least there were some liquor stores open;) Does it sound like I'm complaining:D

At least I have propane and kerosene now that will heat the garage so I can get the glass to do it's thing. Did I say, even though my first airplane was of the plastic variety...........I hate fiberglass!!
I too hate fiberglass

Yes Dana, that was the exact tittle of one of my post..."I hate fiberglass".

Glad you are powered back up.....

BTW - I take it you managed to get the tail all the way in the garage so you could get the shop up to a reasonable working temp.

Are you still planning a fly-in and when is it?
BTW - I take it you managed to get the tail all the way in the garage so you could get the shop up to a reasonable working temp.

Are you still planning a fly-in and when is it?

Nope, the emp is still sticking outside:eek: I was very, very concerned about ice falling off the house and damaging the emp so I rigged up a quick shelter roof and have plastic over the doors. We still have something like 225,000 people without power, down from 700,000 plus from a week ago this past Tuesday. It got down to -1 here last night. Not a great place to be, here in Kentucky right now. It looks like a battle zone. I lost 50 plus trees behind my house due to the two days of freezing rain but at least I was only without power for 6 days.

I's still planning on the 21st or 28th. The amount of rain, ice or snow we have between now and then will play into the decision as it will affect the grassy parking areas, if we have another large turnout. Stay tuned.
Sounds good

I'm going to try and make it. Also look at it this way. You'll have plenty of firewood for next years big freeze.

btw - as much as you worked to get the shelter built....why didn't you just pull the tail off and store it? Would take less than an hour to pull the few bolts.
Great Attitude

I commend you for having such a positive "move forward" attitude through this whole process. I have followed your thread with interest. I am sure you have had your fair share of up's and down's through all of this but your spirit is inspiring.
I commend you for having such a positive "move forward" attitude through this whole process. ......... up's and down's through all of this but your spirit is inspiring.

If you would have been around me on Friday or say may not have made that comment;)

Webb, I have wondered several times why I didn't remove the emp....too late now, it's staying:D
Well after finally getting my power back on, after being without power since the ice storm last Tuesday,

Glad your power is back on Dana. Mine is still out. (since last Tuesday) The power crews finally made it down the main road in my community but my house didn't get power. So, it seems it's going to be quite some time before my power comes back on. Local papers say up to 4 weeks...:eek: :(