
Well Known Member
As most here have heard, Black Magic got her pink slip last Saturday
to officially become an airplane in the eyes of the FAA. The only
thing left to do was see if she would act like an airplane. I wanted
a very experienced RV pilot to perform the first shakedown flights and
could think of no finer pilot than Mike KAHUNA Stewart. Mike flew up
from Atlanta Friday evening, with Glenn DOGG Miller coming down from
Columbus and converging on the hangar, and Black Magic, at 6PM for a
pre flight all eyes on, inspection. Squawks were addressed and we
started the final buttoning up for first flight Saturday morning. A
nice meal, refreshments and early bed time followed. OK, bed time for
me......couch time for Mike and air mattress (followed by hardwood
floor) for DOGG.

We got to the airport around 8, did a few more inspection panel
installs, and cowled her up. Right about the cowling process, WIZZ
showed up and we started getting fog reports from JOKER at Lunkin. By
this time the sun was shinning, no winds, cool, an absolutely
spectacular day to fly. KAHUNA briefed the first flight, with DOGG
flying the Super 8, with me in the back, as chase. WIZZ joined in as
the third up.

Engine startup at 10:30


We taxied to the end of 18. Mike was to be the first off with Black
Magic and would do a little aileron/elevator check on liftoff then
pick up some speed above the runway with a climbing right turn over
the more level ground, just in case. Well folks, when KAHUNA says
"madison traffic, flight of three RV's takeoff runway 18", he means
just that!! Black Magic passed in from of the Super 8 full power,
tail comes up, mains come up, little waggle left to right, little
waggle up and down, then up baby up!!! All I could think was, keep
going, keep going, keep going!! We climbed out and kept our distance
at first until KAHANA reported everything seemed fine so we joined up
and looked Black Magic over. No oil canning, everything she left the
ground with was still there, all looked good.

Here she is with WIZZ pulling in also:


All I can say is thank you KAHUNA it was beyond my wildest
expectations to see what I started in my garage, and finished in my
basement flying!! As with any first flight weekend, I'll have a
couple squawks to address this week, no biggies though.

Joker finally made it in for the second flight, along with a good
friend of mine from Huntsville, Mark Langford in his highly modified
KR-2. The third and final flight of the day was a four ship with
KAHUNA lead in ............. BLACK MAGIC!!! I was photo in the KR, it
was something for me to see and something I will never forget. Again,
thanks gang.


Heading to the airport this morning for more flying!!

One of the funniest things about yesterday was I got a report someone
stopped by the airport and asked if there was an airshow being put on
by military pilots!!! We did generate some excitement yesterday!!
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So happy for you, Dana. Looking forward to seeing her in person. Such a great day for it, too. Keep us informed on how the Phase 1 goes.

Bob Kelly
Congratulations Dana. Your in-flight photo (even without the gear leg fairings installed) is so stunning I just had to SAVE it. I'm guessing your future experiences will help to put to rest forever the common notion that a black paint job is a bad thing. I admit though...."Black Magic" does look baad. :) Have fun and stay safe.
Black Magic

Dana, congratulations. Black Magic looks magnificent in the air.

... Bill
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Black Magic

Congrats, Dana

Thought about flying up yesterday morning just to see if you were going to fly, but Weathermeister showed everything between North GA. and Central KY to be IFR in fog. Was going to check WX later, but got sidetracked. Darn!

Best wishes on your Phase One:D
Congratulations Dana (and Kahuna and all involved)!

Great looking plane.

Happy phase one.

Great job

I've been following your progress over the years. Great job, she looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to the end of Feb. so I can see her in person

Congrats Dana! That's got to be a great feeling!

I'm also a little jealous that you got to ride with Mark Langford in his KR. I almost built a KR because of all of the fantastic information on his website. He's definately on the list of people who's hand I want to shake someday.

Very Nice

Congrats on building a very nice airplane to all on a safe "first flights"...a squadron effort if ever there was one. Good show!
Congratulations Dana....

Congrats on getting airborne. It looks great.
Nice Tailwheel too! Hope its working ok
Black Magic

Black Magic is absolutely GORGEOUS. I love the extreme all black paint job. I think it is special.
Happy and safe flying.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV-9A N942WG 44hours on the hobbs now
RV-9A N942PT (reserved) wiring and paint prep stage
Thanks to all!!

Thanks to all for the nice comments, what a last two weeks. The week before my inspection followed by the week before my first flight were almost consuming, but what a feeling. I don't know where to start so here it is: Yes, Black Magic will be at SNF, I love my Bell tailwheel (yes, I can drive it), I do like the black paint although it is no longer show quality, but I don't care;), Mark Landford has one heck of a KR, safety is number one, and finally.........

A thread on the Ohio Valley RVators site mentioned something along the lines of I had an experienced group of people here for my first flight. I take exception to that!! I had THE most EXPERIENCED three pilots I could ever wish to be at my first flight. KAHUNA.........FFI Check Pilot, WIZZ FFI Check Pilot, DOGG FFI wingman. I'll put these guys flying abilities up against any..........let's put it this way, I/we can learn from just watching and listening. Thank you guys for your help, input, critique, recommendations and most importantly, friendship.

Mike was able to put four flights on Black Magic, three on Saturday and one Sunday morning before he had to bug out to Atlanta, ahead of an approaching front. I'll put it this way, KAHUNA expanded Black Magic's flight envelope on each and every flight;) I feel confident she's going to tolerate the abuse I put on her the first couple hours:eek:

I can finally say, KEEP POUNDING THOSE RIVETS!!!!!!!!!!:D

Great! A terrific looking plane and an inspiring write-up as well. Have fun and fly safe.
Dana: Congrats to you, looks great and sounds like it preforms that way also, hope to see you again in February.

Awaiting 2nd First Flight
Congats Dana,

Black Majic sure would look nice in a TeamRV formation. I hope you have intentions to join in the fun.

Ron Schreck
RV-8, "Miss Izzy"
Gold Hill Airpark, NC
Congats Dana,

Black Majic sure would look nice in a TeamRV formation. I hope you have intentions to join in the fun.

Ron Schreck
RV-8, "Miss Izzy"
Gold Hill Airpark, NC

Smokey...............................I'm IN!! That give ya a hint;)

Good to have Nordo just up the road. We have already been talking about some nice two ship work, then we have the River Rats, Wizz, Greese, Joker, 35 minutes way at Cincy.
Smokey...............................I'm IN!! That give ya a hint;)

Good to have Nordo just up the road. We have already been talking about some nice two ship work, then we have the River Rats, Wizz, Greese, Joker, 35 minutes way at Cincy.
I would like to get in on the fun too. I am about two months behind Dana, should be flying in March. Living in Evansville and with the speed of the RV's I hope I can play in your sand box too.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A O-360-A1A Slider and a whole bunch of Kandy Apple Red House of Kolor paint. No more significant items to buy, it is just Get 'er Done from here.