
Well Known Member
On Sat, while returning home after a breakfast fly out, we had an unfortunate encounter with a big large black bird while approaching our home airport in our RV7a.


This is the leading edge outer panel in the right wing on an RV7a.

The insurance adjuster is coming out Tuesday afternoon to start the claims process. Anyone in North Texas interested in the repair, contact me via PM or email.
Wow! I can imagine how loud that "Bang" was. If it had been me, I think I'd need to change my drawers after a strike like that. Hope the repair is good and timely and your back in the air in time to enjoy the fall weather flying.
I guess the question I have is - have you picked up the -10 yet from South Dakota? Or ar you now the proud owners of TWO "down" planes at the same time?

Glad you're OK!

That's really scary! I hate birdstrikes! I've never had one of any significance in a light single but I've had way to many in the pointy nose machines. I wonder, does having the shredder up front cut down on the risk of a bird entering the cockpit? I'd hate to have a bird that size hit my prop of course but if it kept that monster from coming through the canopy that would be far preferable!

Glad you are okay!

Yes, we did pickup the RV10 two weeks ago, I guess I should update the summer travel post, and flew both home last Tuesday. So this was the first flight with both of us in the 7 in three weeks. The bird strike occurred 5 miles from our home airport, so did not have alot of time to analyze the flight changes, but while it was a big bang and was very noticeable event, the plane flew home just as you would hope. Sure happy it was not the windshield or a fuel tank hit. So we had both airplanes flying for two weeks. The insurance adjuster is coming tomorrow to start the claims process. Sure glad we have a hot spare.
Yikes! Glad all are ok, sorry that my first thought is that now you are without a hot spare yet again :).
I follow all your travels, very inspirational! Looks like it's been a hard summer, first the engine in your -10, very cool the way you handled that set back, now this,,, this one makes me a little sick to the stomach, sorry for your troubles!
Sure happy it was not the windshield or a fuel tank hit.

Actually our hit was just inboard of yours, in the last bay of the fuel tank.
Even though we have no way of comparing size of birds, the fuel tank skin is thicker and with fuel backing the skin, our damage was much less.

Glad damage is limited to the airplane.
Buff out

Ahhhh, that'll buff out... if not, a little bondo :D

Sorry to hear about the strike. Good luck with the repairs and let us know how you go about it.

A fellow I know in a slow build -8 had this happen. He ordered a new pre-punched skin, drilled the old one out and put it in place. He was amazed that it all fit just fine, no filing or coaxing required. I don't know how he riveted it all closed, since access can be difficult, but it went very well and you can't tell it was ever repaired. If it was a tank or a windshield it might have been a lot more work, so while it sucks, it could have been worse and it should be a straight forward repair.

Is that a BEAK HOLE? All that flying around the country and this happens a few miles from home. I guess "they" are right, most accidents are close to home.

Sure glad a wing was chosen.
Bird Magnet Week

It's been a bird magnet week Tom. Made my fifth confirmed kill yesterday. A small bird went suicidal. Flopped from cowling to HS without damage :)

Fifth Kill


''Made my fifth confirmed kill yesterday''

So you are now a confirmed Ace...Well you always were but now it is confirmed..;)
Back in the air

We got our RV7a back yesterday with a new wing skin to replace the bird damaged night wing. Randy Richmond on Northwest Regional airport did the repair and it came out great. Check out these pictures.




Scheduled for the paint shop to finish the job.
That looks very good judging from the pictures. Wondering how the mid area was riveted. Was an access panel added between the outboard access panel and the wing tip?

Since many of us are the original builders, we may be qualified to do such a repair but how does the insurance co determine the value to pay? ie labour.


No access panel added, only 3 blind rivets, exceptional job, and quote and invoice were for 58 hours labor. He did remove the fuel tank for better access. I am the builder of this airplane and could have done the job, but knew I did not have time in my schedule to do this work until Jan, so had Randy do the job.

Glad to see your plane is back in the air!!! I had the pleasure of bucking a few of those new rivets. One of the ?perks? of coming back from lunch with Randy. ?Say, does your arm fit in there? If so, can you get this bucking bar in there, too??

I tried until I had deep red marks on my arm to get a bar on one of what ended up being one of those three blind rivets.

You have a beautiful RV!!!!

Blind Rivets?

The only blind rivets were on the inside to attach one the nose ribs to the spar.
No blinds on the outside. Several home made bucking bars and a few tungstens from Avery's;)
Glad your plane is flying again, Tommy!

Isn't it amazing how far a person can reach with a bucking bar through an itty-bitty inspection hole?
Migrating birds are migrating - came close to large gaggle of ducks this morning 1200'AGL.
...recon they have right of way considering they were here thousands of years before us.