
Well Known Member
Have you guys ever think of what would happen if a bird strikes on the inner part of the wing? That's where the fuel tanks is and it scares me.
Have you guys ever think of what would happen if a bird strikes on the inner part of the wing? That's where the fuel tanks is and it scares me.

Why? It's not like the tank is going to spontaneously combust if it starts leaking. Besides, it would take a rather large bird to actually puncture the tanks. That skin is quite thick.

For what it's worth, a friend of ours moved over to Texas and hit a deer when landing one day in his -7. It did puncture a hole through his tank and it leaked. He fixed it and is still flying.
I have a small dent in my right fuel tank from a bird strike. Remember, the tank skins are thicker than the outboard skins.
A full tank would probably take a fairly large bird to do much damage. Empty tank only takes a small bird. Fairly small birds shove the outboard skins all the way to the spar.
Have you guys ever think of what would happen if a bird strikes on the inner part of the wing? That's where the fuel tanks is and it scares me.

At 200+ a small bird can do quite a bit of damage. Fuel tank destruction shouldn't scare you unless you are in the "I always run a tank dry then switch" camp; and the bird takes out your only tank with fuel..... But that was a debate of another thread :rolleyes:

If you want to be scared, be scared about the bird that hits the windscreen. :eek:

Just be brave like Sully :D
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