
Active Member
Hi - I'm in an FBO hangar row that has birds that nest / hang out and occasionally deposit white presents on my RV-10. The walls separating the hangar stalls don't reach to the ceiling, so it's not something I have direct control over. Oddly, even though I rent the hangar space, the FBO doesn't consider this an issue that they are responsible to deal with. They suggested that I implement various capital improvements (such as increasing the wall height) to this rented space to keep the birds out. That sounds bass ackwards to me, but what do I know. I've heard that there are some products out there to keep birds at a distance, including falcon sound emitters. I'm interested in any suggestions or real world experience. Thanks.

Here at KEET they just hung some rubber toy snakes on the rafters. Apparently scares the $*#! out of birds and a $10 possible fix.
I've tried the rubber snake method and found it works for a short time. Very quickly the birds learn that they are not real and ignore them.
The only sure fire method that I've heard of is a strobe light. They used to use strobes in blimp hangars.
Seems like a cordless drill, safety wire and about $100 worth of chicken wire could get this solved.

I'd be on the same page as far as not wanting to perform capital improvements to a property that I don't own. But if an afternoon of free labor and a couple rolls of chicken wire will keep the birds out of the section I'm renting, seems like a good deal to me.
I see bars that have decks and similar places use fishing line. Eye hooks and a roll of heavy fishing line would do the job.
An inflatable owl hanging suspended from the ceiling above the canopy actually helped a lot! Also consider putting a bed sheet over the canopy during storage, just in case.
bird pest control spikes

These are good, relatively cheap but effective. Have to be screwed / glued onto the surface the birds roost on.
We hung some CD's from the rafters with fishing line. The slightest bit of wind makes them spin and the reflection seemed to work.
I don't know how to keep them out, but I've found that a laser pointer, aimed straight at their eyes, quickly dissuades them from staying. And they haven't come back when I've done that.

I bought plastic strips with spikes on them and used RTV to hold them in place.
Give them no where to land or sit and they look for a better area. I got them at Amazon and they were cheap. Worked for me! Good luck.

I tried all the above in a big hangar and the only one that worked always was: get a smoke detector with the battery running down so it chirps at different times. They leave and don?t come back. You have to do it again for new birds. It worked for 10 years in a 80 X 80 hangar. It will probably keep them out of all of the adjoining areas. When you want to work in peace, take the battery out.