[email protected]

Well Known Member
A club I didn't want to join...

Earlier this Spring, a red hawk at 2,800 feet, in formation.

I saw the hawk just before the strike and thought it would be a close miss…


Level the flight, radio call to route. Had the wings look for visible damage and leaks then did initial stability and control checks. All good.

Back on the ground it looks like we hit a bowling ball. It could have been a real mess if it had come through the windshield or taken out my tail.

I pulled the tank and started making a parts list.

The next morning, ROAD TRIP! to Vans to pick up parts.

Two weeks after the strike... Back in the air!

Build it, fly it, maintain it, fix it :)









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Wow, and no leaking fuel? You are right - like a bowling ball.
Where are you in WA? Ive been doing a project in Seattle for a month or so and have another month to go. I would love to come by and say hello some time.
You make it look way too easy...

Thanks for sharing! Glad to see you got back in the air that quick. Haven't started on my tank yet but sure looks like a lot of works for 2 weeks.
no bird rudder damage

The smashed tank did not leak.

No bird damage to the rudder. I replaced the original .016 skin joined trailing edge -7 rudder with a .020 folded trailing edge -8 version last Summer but had not yet painted it... small favor ;)

The bare tank was flown for a week before painting. I 'helped' with the painting... 4 colors... many steps and much prep... it was a lot jammed into 3 days. For my part it was fun gaining sufficient experience to run the gun solo on my wheel pant bottoms and leg fairings this Summer. At least, that's my plan.
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Steve---awesome job. Gee seems like it would 'almost' be good to have a spare set of tanks already built.

From a repair perspective, it almost seems good fortune that it hit the fuel tank rather than the wing. Since I built my -7 tanks, I know replacing the fuel tank was no small task either.
The smashed tank did not leak.

No bird damage to the rudder. I replaced the original .016 skin joined trailing edge -7 rudder with a .020 folded trailing edge -8 version last Summer but had not yet painted it... small favor ;)

A little off topic but how about a quick report on going back to the "original 8" style rudder, how does it compare to the 9 rudder?
Nicely done repair! Thanks for posting .... we all hope we'll never need this information, but it could happen any flying day at any time.
For comparison purposes, a Bonanza driver in my hangar row hit a Canada goose on downwind at our home A/P. It hit his wing further outboard than yours, and did even more damage. :eek: He was able to land the plane safely, but it was deemed not flyable til repair. The wing was removed by the local FBO and shipped 125mi away to a major repair facility. They removed and replaced the wrap-around outboard nose skin ....pretty tricky riveting, given no clear access to the bucking side. Bottom line: 6 weeks plus with no airplane, and a wallet $14,000 lighter at the end. Ouch.