Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
Starting a new thread to answer a question posted here.

A couple of us from NJ were in Kingston for the weekend and flew back on Sunday afternoon. (What a spectacular day to fly in the Northeast.)

Always wondered about flying into Toronto Island just for lunch. Would like to do that the next time we are in Canada. Had a feeling they were not very open to that so I'm curious about landing fees, rest. options on the airport ...or do you head into the city?... appreciate any advise. thanks,
It is certainly expensive to fly into Toronto Island, but ATC is very friendly and helpful. They are definitely happy to have light aircraft traffic.

Landing fees for piston-engine aircraft are currently $4.91 per 1000 kg, with a minimum fee of $14.70. The FBOs also charge their own ramp fees. I use Porter FBO, and they charge $35 for a day. The other FBO is apparently slightly cheaper, but they had construction the first time I came, so I used Porter then, and were very happy with the the service, so I kept coming back.

Eating options on the Island are not great. There used to be a deli in the terminal building, but it has closed. Apparently Porter Airlines has a coffee shop next to the ferry terminal, but I've never tried it. I've always walked 5 minutes to the ferry that runs every 15 minutes to get to the main land. Once you are on the main land, you can either walk, take one of the TTC trams, or take the Porter shuttle bus to the corner of Front & York St. You are close to downtown Toronto, so plan to spend a few hours there to make the cost of the trip worthwhile. There is no problem staying overnight - I've done that once with the RV-8.

More info on CYTZ in the Places to Fly section of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association site.

If you are tempted, do it. It is neat flying right by the CN Tower, half way up. More pictures.
I have been into Toronto Island three times this year, twice VFR, once IFR. It is not difficult at all to get to the island just contact Toronto centre outside the zone and follow their directions. The island airport is not large but it is busy with Porter Airlines Dash 8 traffic. The tower is good a fitting small aircraft into the system.
My landing fee was $18.50 as my rocket weighs a bit more. If you are only there for an hour or so Porter will usually wave the ramp fee. At $35 bucks for the day it is cheaper then parking your car downtown!
The last time we had lunch on top of the CN Tower, it is a really neat experience as the restaurant rotates and a one hour lunch will get you a complete view of the city. You do have to make reservations and do not forget to take your wallet.... The food is good.
Here is a picture of the Island airport CYTZ, taken from the restaurant

Here is a picture of me flying the RV1 past the CN tower two years ago when the RV1 was on the north american tour

Here is a shot of the tower that I took from the RV1. I was close enough to wave at the people who were doing the "outside walk". I was surprised at how close the controller placed me to the CN tower. It was a pretty special flight

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I used to fly in to Toronto Island airport regularly back in the late 70's and early 80's in a Cessna Citation II. Really enjoyed it compared to flying in to Pearson. We would take the very short ferry ride to the mainland and then get a taxi to the hotel. Loved downtown Toronto. Sometime in the 80's, I believe, the powers-that-be decided to keep jets out of the airport. IIRC, the method was to raise the landing fee for turbo-jet aircraft to $20K or some such ridiculous figure. So, it was back to CYYZ for us.
I'm going to try and get up there in the -10 next summer just for old times sake!
I've landed there twice over the years on my annual trip back to Canada. He is a shot of the airport and the mainland in Toronto. I seem to remember paying $15 - $20 to park there for about 4 hours. You can take a free boat ride across to the mainland and then a free bus ride to downtown Toronto. Then you can walk Younge St. and do some shopping and then catch the free bus ride back to the airport. So all in all it is a great place to land to get to downtown Toronto.



Ray Doerr
N519RV (RV-10 Hobbs=1150)
I've landed there twice over the years on my annual trip back to Canada. He is a shot of the airport and the mainland in Toronto. I seem to remember paying $15 - $20 to park there for about 4 hours. You can take a free boat ride across to the mainland and then a free bus ride to downtown Toronto. Then you can walk Younge St. and do some shopping and then catch the free bus ride back to the airport. So all in all it is a great place to land to get to downtown Toronto.



Ray Doerr
N519RV (RV-10 Hobbs=1150)

Great picture.

I still remember landing there in a Cherokee in the 70s - base leg was aiming straight at the buildings, and the turn to final seemed to be half way up the skyscrapers.

At that time I don't remember any sticker shock at the airport, just at the downtown hotel after my passenger asked to be taken to a "nice" hotel. :)
And then just a short 30 - 45 minute flight from the Toronto Island Airport you can fly over Niagara Falls and get some beautiful pictures like the one my Mother took with my good camera while I maintained 3000 AGL while flying the pattern over the Falls.


Ray Doerr
N519RV - RV10




great thread Kevin!!!

...and all this about an airport I thought was CLOSED! wasn't there a big deal about it closing, and aircraft being stranded there a few years ago?
Glad to hear I'm wrong! ...there aren't a lot of these 'city' airports remaining, especially with air service. Seems helipads have replaced them in a lot of places.
..... and why don't we all post some info on our home fields, and all the great stuff you can do there....could be good for General Aviation too!
...and all this about an airport I thought was CLOSED! wasn't there a big deal about it closing, and aircraft being stranded there a few years ago?
Glad to hear I'm wrong! ...there aren't a lot of these 'city' airports remaining, especially with air service. Seems helipads have replaced them in a lot of places.
..... and why don't we all post some info on our home fields, and all the great stuff you can do there....could be good for General Aviation too!

Sounds like Chicago Meigs Field you are thinking of.