Well Known Member
While talking to Val, AOPA OKC, she asked me if I was the original purchaser of my RV-8 kit. When I replied no, I am the third owner of the kit, she told me I would need all previous bills of sale, including the original bill of sale from Vans to the original owner of the kit.

Does this sound correct?
What I did

I sent my Bill of Sale from the original purchaser of the to Van's showing I was now the owner. They in turn changed their records to show me as the registered owner of that serial number. They then sent me the kit Bill of Sale needed for registration. Call me if this is clear as mud, I'll try to explain it better!
You must be getting close!
Bill Waters
bill is exactly right. the other bill of sale forms from the previous owners, if not filed with the faa, are not needed. if they were filed with the faa, they already have record of it, so you don't need them.

get van's involved to changed their records for serial numbers, and they'll send you what you need. :)
I just went through this process, and the answer is...it depends.
Was your kit ever registered with the FAA?
Was the affadavit for kitbuilt aircraft filed by the previous kit owner?
If it was registered, do you want a different N number?

If not already registered, then it is easier. You will need to provide the complete chain of ownership, from VAN's to you. You can call the FAA and ask them what they already have, since you will only need to start from that point. This includes bill of sale (BOS) for each sale signed in ink. Must include acft type and serial number. Make sure the title says "Kit Sale", not "Aircraft Sale". See the FAA BOS form for an example (Make changes as you need to, they don't care.); however, a handwritten BOS will do as long as it has the appropriate information. Cost is not a requirement so you can say $1.00 + OVC. If you do not have these from the original owners, you have to show that you tried to obtain it by sending certified letters to the original owners. If it comes back unopened, you have to provide that to the FAA, UNOPENED, with an explaination detailing what you did. Then they will review it. You'll want to talk to them about how to do this.
On the registration form, make sure you type or print your name below your signature or they will send it back. make sure you include $5.00 for the fee.

If it is already registered, then you have to provide the above information with a new registration form. Pretty straightforward.
To change the N number, include a letter asking them to change it on the registration. Letter must include manufacturer, type, SN, and your signature, in ink.
If the affadavit has already been submitted, you need a notarized "Set Aside Document" proving that the first owner didn't build the kit and it is NOT an airworthy aircraft. FAA has specific wording they like, if you ask them. They charge $5.00 for this, too. Then you can resubmit the affadavit for yourself, attesting that you are the builder.
Any time you address the type of aircraft, include manufacturer, type and SN. They will probably kick it back if you don't fully define it.
I had to do all of the above and the FAA is a real stickler for getting it exactly the way they want it. Call them and ask and then call them back and discuss what you have before you send it in. Send it to them via certified mail with a return delivery verification.
I did all of these things and sent it to them about two weeks ago and I got my registration in the mail yesterday. Can you believe that!? For some reason they treated it as a priority and did it right away.
By the way, if you do have to get new documentation and notarized forms, get two originals of each, just in case.
If you need examplesof any of the forms I mentioned above, let me know and I can send you a copy.
Good luck.