
Well Known Member
I'm actually weighing the pros and cons of a Kitfox vs an RV9. I know, I know...totally different missions, yah yah. BUT if I can tweek the RV9 to make it more suitable for grass strip landings, then I'll go that route. I think that the length of the runway isn't the biggest issue for me, but rather the potential condition of the surface that concerns me. If I need 2000' to land, I think I can find it somewhere on my 600 acre hunting spread. The bigger issue, as I said, is what shape it will be in after I haven't been there in a month and the grass is long and the gophers have dug some holes.

I have read some posts about going with a larger tire, 380x150x5 instead of Vans stock 500x5. The idea being to accomodate rougher landings. How do you guys feel about these bigger tires on an RV9? Would that make a significant improvement in handling rougher ground, or just a minor one? How would the larger tires impact my TO and landing distances? Other considerations? Thanks
The bigger issue, as I said, is what shape it will be in after I haven't been there in a month and the grass is long and the gophers have dug some holes.

I believe you would be best served by looking at aircraft other than an RV. Long grass and gopher holes don't play nice with RVs regardless of tire size.
As someone who has experience maintaining a grass strip....a good quality strip...they take a lot of maintenance to be and stay RV-type friendly.

you're trying to fit a round peg in a square hole....so yes you can pound it in there, but it ain't pretty.
big rubber

I have a -9a, but I think you're talking a taildraggin' -9 if anything, for this kind of use. I can't even taxi over a pebble, much less a gopher hole!

Keep the nose light, with a fixed pitch fine prop, and maybe Vortex generators to slow down & to shorten the landing float.
if you are packing considerable gear, you'll really want to try the gear in someone's tip-up VS. slider I think.
Add a skookum tailwheel, and you might just have a nice bushplane!
happy trails!
hey perry,
what do you mean about "if you are packing considerable gear, you'll really want to try the gear in someone's tip-up VS. slider I think."
remember, if you are ever over this way, let me know!

Big Tires!

Diamond, only just saw your post. You could do this.

They are on my -4 but they would work on your -9 since you have chosen not to use a training wheel. I had a -9a (at that time VANS had no plans for a -9) but the little tyres were a disaster. These work well. I almost ONLY land on grass.

There is a bit more about the tires elsewhere in that section of my blog if you want to scroll around.
I thought in the past I've seen that some people have gone to Van's supplier on gear legs, and ordered a set with a 1" longer axle to accomodate a 6.00x6 wheel/tire combo.