Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Anybody out there know of an accessory readout screen that can be driven by a handheld GPS??

I am thinking about something that will mount in the same width hole as a com or xpndr etc--------6 1/4, I think, should be about same tall, and most of all it needs to be reasonably priced, not like the $8k one that King makes.

Doesnt need a lot of "bells and whistles", just needs to show what the GPS is telling it.

Mike Starkey
Larger GPS display for Experimentals.

Perhaps an 8" diagonal Tablet PC with daylight readable display, like the Motion Computing 800 series or Fujitsu equivalent, with a Garmin 10 glareshield GPS module, running Anywhere Map or one of the many moving map applications ???
Build 9a, and Billy Bob, thanks for the ideas, you both gave me some good info, which I have looked into.
However I must not have made myself clear in my original post. Sorry about that, I will try to be more clear.
I am looking to use my existing garmin 195 to drive a larger screen. I have a fine GPS that does all I need, I just cant read the screen.
Hopefully something in the under $500 range if such a thing exists.

Thanks again,
Mike Starkey
Maybe not possible

I think we answered the way we did was that adding a larger display "directly" to a Garmin GPSMAP Unit may not be possible and/or cost effective as it is a proprietary design....

If you stay with an external device interfaced to the GPS 195, all you get is the Nema datastream and probably no internal map information??