
Did anybody try bigger main wheels on RV-10? I thoroughly searched forum but did not find a single hint. I searched Desser and Spruce but did not even find tires with bigger outer diameter suitable for 6x6,0 Groove wheels. I see 17.5/625-6 Retread ($100) and the same size Mishelin ($349). As I understand second digit 625 means 6.25 disc width. Van?s supplies 6.0. Is quarter an inch important in this case?
Should I ask Groove?
Unlike simple and straightforward automotive tires aviation tires specification is more confused.
Finish kit is ordered but not shipped yet. It is not too late to delete wheels & brakes and try to fit bigger wheels compatible with Van?s main legs?
Do I miss anything simple and evident?

Thanks for any advice.

And of course I understand that I won't be able to use stock fairing.
The 10 uses 15/6x6 tires. These are a special,reduced diameter tire. The std 6x6.00 tire will have a larger diameter with a similar weight rating. Width should be similar. Obviously, they will not fit the wheel pants without modifications, if at all.
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I installed larger tires on my 14A and noticed quite a difference on soft field. The 14 uses 5 inch wheels.
Someone got measurements?
Goodyear charts show 15x6.0-6 at 14.5" diameter inflated (there is a higher speed rated tire at 15.2" also listed). 6.0-6 listed at 17.5" inflated.
Assuming the 120mph rated tire is Vans stock, the space above the tire inside the wheelpant would have to accomodate an extra 1.5" radius to fit a 6.0-6.
Also the hangar door would have to safely clear the tail which would now be about 5" taller.
Regarding the -7, I switched to the 380x150-5 tires and am very pleased with the overall results. Minor enlargement of the wheel pant openings, no noticeable change in speed, much better soft field footprint and better hard surface ground handling. No Brainer upgrade!
Don't have time to re-research it right now but I think the Desser Monster retread tires in 15/6x6 are a somewhat larger OD, and I plan on vertically spacing my wheel pants for same, while starting out with the Chinese tires in the kit. Once those are worn, I plan to replace with the Monsters for the hopeful increase in soft field sure-footedness since I will fly 95% off grass, here at home.

Am I correct?
Don't have time to re-research it right now but I think the Desser Monster retread tires in 15/6x6 are a somewhat larger OD, and I plan on vertically spacing my wheel pants for same, while starting out with the Chinese tires in the kit. Once those are worn, I plan to replace with the Monsters for the hopeful increase in soft field sure-footedness since I will fly 95% off grass, here at home.

Am I correct?


I talked with Desser at OSH this year (and bought my tires at a show discount). They apparently don't make the "Monster Retreads" for the 10-sized tires. The do make retreads (which is what I bought), but they are not the thicker "Monster " retreads, like they make for the other Vans Aircraft tire sizes. In other words, the thickness of the retreaded rubber is not thicker than the spec calls for. I've still heard that the retreads hold up better and longer than brand new, for some reason, so that's what I bought. They were also cheaper than new. Go figure!
The 10 uses 15/6x6 tires. These are a special,reduced diameter tire. The std 6x6.00 tire will have a larger diameter with a similar weight rating. Width should be similar. Obviously, they will not fit the wheel pants without modifications, if at all.

I have 600x6 on my -10 and they work great on our grass field. And yes they fit.
He indicated the -10 was "bought not built," so he may not know the answer to that, but put me down for sure as someone who wants to know. I just mounted the factory 15/6.00x6's on the Matco wheels last night, but will certainly use the full size tires next time around.
Bush RV-10

Wasn?t there a guy in Oregon or Washington that made a bunch of modifications to his 10 to improve back country landing? I remember he had modified the front suspension and the post had a bunch of photos of the little dirt strips he had been in. Even a gravel bar.
Do they fit "out of the box" or were your wheel pants installed with larger tires (tyres for our British friends) in mind?

Assuming Ralph's data is accurate, the tire is 3" bigger, with a 1.5" larger radius. If I remember correctly, the manual has you leave a 1" gap on top of the tire. Upsizing would require a minimum 2" gap in order to leave some clearance to avoid rubbing.

I am guessing that Mconner's plane was set up initially for the 6.00 X 6's or the pant mounting was modified when the upgrade took place. I am sure these tire will fit, but the standard pant installation won't accommodate them.

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Aero Classis 6.00-6 tires

6” tires can be put on a Vans. Ralph Inksters numbers for the diameter change are correct. A standard 5” tire is close to 14” diameter, a 6.00-6 is about 17.5” diameter, a 6.00-6/15 as used on the -10 is about 15”

The aircraft below is with Aero Classis 6.00-6 tires and Sam James 6” wheel pants (you could also use Vans wheels pants, most likely).

I installed the wheel pants with more than the Vans recommended clearance above the tire. As you can see that will require more tire below the pant than most RVs; however, if you want bigger tires you probably intend to use grass strips. With grass strips I see more pant clearance as a positive.

They will weigh more and may reduce your speed. I have data from one -14 that out runs me and a few that do not. There can be a lot of variables with EAB.

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Any suggestions for 14A just about ready for this portion. I ordered Berringer wheels and would like to do tubeless but not sure which tire to choose.
Tried to mount the 6.00/6 's

I just replaced my mains on my 2007 vintage RV10. Fairings were made to Vans spec's.
I accidently ordered the 6.00/6 Aircraft Spruce version of the Monster re-tread and not the 15.
They definitely are larger outside diameter but since I had them, I mounted them on the rims. At least give them a look, they are nice looking tires with a lot of tread. They clearly would not fit with my standard built fairings. The inside fairing touches the tire well before it installs. I had hoped there was enough space but not in my case. I had no desire to redo my fairings so I sent them back and got the 15 " diameter. (At least they came off the rim easily since they were new.)
Just another data point.

John Koonce
I see a lot of talk about tire diameter and the desire to get better grass/wet/soft performance. While diameter can help with rocks/ruts/holes.... Don't forget that you're also after width, which is where the 5" guys are using the 380x15s.....

Do they fit "out of the box" or were your wheel pants installed with larger tires (tyres for our British friends) in mind?

Wow not sure how I fell out of this thread but I did not build my plane. The builder went to back country strips in Idaho and Montana and wanted the clearance for rough or gravel, strips. The wheel plants were fitted to the bigger tires, you cannot just change the tires if you fitted the original pants to the -15 tires.

Van’s pants will work if you drill and mount them around the bigger tires but be ware that re-treads may have an even larger diameter. I likely lose a knot or two but a grass strip in the summer in Florida can be a lake right after a deluge.

If I was more tech savvy I would share pictures…PM and I will email.