Darren S

Well Known Member
The good kind though.

I'm off work March 28 to April 2nd. No kids, no staff, no one bugging me. Woohoo.

RV has new plugs, new oil and is begging to go someplace. Bucket list items still outstanding. Kitty Hawk and Key West, FL. Weather permitting of course.

Florida at this time of the year sounds great to this Canadian boy. VAF calendar doesn't show like much is going on this week.

Looking for suggestions of things to see on the way down that direction.

Couple up with approach and get a low pass down the length of the shuttle landing facility.
Fountain of youth

You are welcome to stop at Bent Willies air park on the way to key west. 52FA
2300 grass strip with a curve. Right next to runway is a 600' deep Free flowing artesian well direct from floridas aquifer. It has been proven that once you drink from the aquifer all of your take offs and landings will forever be perfect! Just ask Turbo!
Couple up with approach and get a low pass down the length of the shuttle landing facility.

IMHO this is an absolute "must do" during your flying career. Call Daytona approach as you get closer and they will coordinate with NASA tower. Then overfly at 500 or above (nobody can tell how high you really are as long as your tires do not touch the ground) at the slowest GS possible just to see how long it takes you to go down the 15,000ft runway. NASA tower is open from Monday - Friday.


From Kitty Hawk (KFFA) to Flagler County (KFIN) is just under 3hrs in an RV. Drive up to St Augustine, the oldest city in the US, then head to Key West (KFIN) the next day. From Flagler County to Key West takes just over 2hrs in an RV so very doable.


FWIW AVGAS at KFIN is currently $2.92/Gal and it has the best airport restaurant (Highjackers) anywhere.
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Just did the Shuttle Landing Facility a few weeks back. Tower was closed, MCO Approach said it was cool, but not to "touch" the runway. The look on my wife's face was priceless as we scooted along the runway at max power and speed.