
Well Known Member
I knew that'd get your attention George...

Question; where might I find a pullable 55/60 amp breaker for an alternator B lead? The usual suspects don't carry 'em, the closest is a 60 amp non-pullable from ACS. McMaster-Carr has a 60 amp pullable (pn 6608T1), but it's 45 bucks and would it be suitable? Then again, even a lowly current limiter with base adds up to 32 bucks...

I'm wiring a Van's 60 amp I/R alternator; my current set up is the alt B lead goes thru a current limiter on the firewall then to the main bus. After reading/researching I'm considering going with a big breaker on the panel since the N/D "field" wire really isn't...

Ideas, anyone?

How Ja know, uncanny

jbDC9 said:
I knew that'd get your attention George...

Question; where might I find a pullable 55/60 amp breaker for an alternator B lead? The usual suspects don't carry 'em, the closest is a 60 amp non-pullable from ACS. McMaster-Carr has a 60 amp pull-able (pn 6608T1), but it's 45 bucks and would it be suitable? Then again, even a lowly current limiter with base adds up to 32 bucks...

I'm wiring a Van's 60 amp I/R alternator; my current set up is the alt B lead goes thru a current limiter on the firewall then to the main bus. After reading/researching I'm considering going with a big breaker on the panel since the N/D "field" wire really isn't...

Ideas, anyone?

HaHaHa, my favorite subject, how Ja know I like my CB's big and fat (I prefer the PC big and plump). :D Now my woman, I like'em bout deuce-N-a-quarter. :rolleyes:

I looked up your pn 6608T1 refrence and got all excited when I saw it. Its a winner. Price wise you'll not do better, unless you buy surplus or can justify 50 amps (which cost 1/3rd). You checked the usual suspects, Wicks, Spruce, Wag and see a Pullable 50 amp CB, for $14.97 at Wicks, W23X1A1G-50. Spruce has it also about a buck cheaper.

50 amps will not do. :(

I have a 60 amp Texas Instruments CB, part number:
Ti #......6752-100-60

I bought all of my CB's, including the 60 amp CB surplus, most new condition. I did not pay anywhere near $45, but than I am a cheapskate. You can call surplus places and the guys that frequent the airshow circuit, I think they are from OK or KS have tons of this stuff at dimes per dollar. Sorry I don't have a name and don't know if they have a web page.

Check "salvage aircraft parts". I love the hunt for cheap stuff. Outfits that handle corporate and airliners will have lots of CB's to sell. Otherwise shake loose with some coin-age you cheapskate, :D . George (yes you made my day)

PS, I have an email out and will send you a private message if I can find a good used 60 amp'er for you. G
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60 Amp Breaker

Give B & B a call in Gardener Kansas.
913 884 5930, an Excellent Source

AL Smith
Well duhhh, I must hang my head in shame... I forgot to call Wentworth and White Industries for a used one. It's on my to-do list for today.

Me, a cheapskate? You betcha! I think it's a requirement be an airline pilot...

Yep B&B

Alschief said:
Give B & B a call in Gardener Kansas.
913 884 5930, an Excellent Source

Yea that is one of the guys I was thinking of. Thanks George
Look here


Part Number # W23-X1A1G-50. AMPS Rating = 50,250 VAC Max, 50VDC Max.