
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Gray Bridwell was kind enough to invite me on over, so I thought I'd take him up on the offer. Scorch and I arrived 0815 and hooked up with Don Christensen and Brian Carter (Brian gave us a tour of the C-130 he flew in - he's building a RV-7). This is a really nice, low key event with lots to look at: custom cars, warbirds, RVs, acros and some vendors to boot. Of note in the pics below are the cockpit of the C-130 (and VAF shirt sighting <g>, Stu McCurdy and Falcon Flight, Joe from ECi, Gray Bridwell (after the Porsche 1600 pic facing the camera), Judy Stocks in her RV-6A and the cutest pic of a Dad walking his kids behind a T-6. The flight back was uneventful and hot. My GPS is still out so I got out the sectional and tracked a good old fashioned VOR radial back (last pic on the 069 TO radial to Mineral Wells - note self contained GPS ground track displayed in Tru Trak ADI A/H).
This was a really nice way to spend a Saturday. Thanks again Gray for inviting me!