The race is santioned by SARL and has many perks

Everything I have heard about the race is first class but we will be out of the country until the 19th so will have to miss it and lose all of those SARL points (

Bob Axsom
That's OK Bob - you're making up for it by being the only RV Blue racer at USAR!

And for anyone who's interested in the Abilene race, the BCAF web site is a little out of date - you can ger better (and correct) informaiton at the SARL supplemental page:

The course has changed, the rules have changed, the classes are updated with factory classes and the registration form has changed.

Have a good vacation, Bob!

- Mike
Wll do - USAR entries still open

Will do - in our 40th year of marriage we are slimming down the remaining list of places we would like to visit without the RV-6A.

The entries are still open to the USAR races at Wichita, Kansas and Stevens Point, Wisconsin at until July 6th at midnight. Pilots like that notorious RV-8 racer from Pagosa Springs could recover from the Taylor race where they were kept out by weather on the western side.

Bob Axsom