
I'm New Here
Hi Group!

A few weeks ago I introduced myself as a new member. P.J. Davis - Freeland Maryland. I am 20 miles south of York, PA. I am 1/2 way through my PPL - 23 hours flight time. When I enrolled I set up my 3rd class Medical. Before i went I learned that an SSRI I was on was on the approval list - but the hurdles were great. I went to my prescribing doc and he agreed that I did not need to be on it any longer. So I am scheduled to see him on 9/13 - the 60 days period period - I have no doubt he will sign off. My med AMeE appointment is 9/22. However, I have a mild case of C.O.P.D. - smoking - in the last 2 years my results have improved! But now that is a problem. So it makes sense to cancel the appointment and stop working toward my PPL and go sport. The school I flew with now is sport qualified but does not have an LSA to fly. There is a Chesapeake Sport Pilot (have been scheduled previous to this issu)e to do an intro in the RV-12 next Tuesday. The problem is they are quite a distance. So I can't seem to find a school close by to has sport. So I am asking the group if they know of any.

P.S. I am not on any meds nor use an inhaler for the C.O.P.D.


They don't fly RV-12s, but Liberty Sport Aviation at Lancaster (KLNS) flies the Bristell and does sport pilot training. Your profile says Freeland, MD and KLNS is about an hour from you which is a bit closer than Bay Bridge.
If you're not on any meds, it's hard to say you have significant COPD. If you really want to go Private Pilot, it should be doable with the right AME.
The AOPA has the pilot protection program - I can send all me records and they will determine if I have have a good chance - the fear is failing the the medical and I am done...period. No not on meds anymore.
I have sent them an email (Liberty - waiting on a reply - they were closed when I called.
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Just saying: The Sport Pilot program was not put in place to allow people who would otherwise fail medicals to get behind the controls of an aircraft.
- the fear is failing the the medical and I am done...period. No not on meds anymore.

Not necessarily. If you were somehow denied you can always appeal. Many times it's just jumping through the right hoops to make it happen. I know pilots that have had some pretty serious ailments and eventually got their medical approved after providing evidence that they were indeed safe to fly.


I am not about to fly unless I feel capable. Some of us unfortunately develop medical issues that do not impact daily performance nor impact mental capacity. However, these issues are grouped into a certain broad category.

That being said one can go for PPL and have to stop flying while the FAA determines yes or no. Or if one is physically and mentally capable they choose to go the sport route to continue learning and flying while they seek advice for experts to see if they can overcome the FAA mandates. The FAA is well aware of that some people may go sport route to fly and hide their medical and/or mental ailments. Yet the FAA keeps the requirements the same. Had the new change in effect probably by next summer had not come about We would all eventually end up in the some boat before our practical time.

As a new member seeking advice of a well experienced group - I would appreciate response that is not pre-judged and cynical.


The regs require you to show restraint if you know of a condition that makes you unfit to fly. That applies to those of us who have medical certificates too. The sport pilot rating places more lof that responsibility on the pilot because they don't have an AME in the mix if they are using their driver license as a medical.

So, if you have a medical and are on a potent painkiller for a temporary condition you must refrain from flying just as you must as a sport pilot.

Cecil County/ Claremont Airport (58M) has a light sport program also with an Ercoupe for rent.
Harford County

Harford County 0W3 has a Skycatcher and Sport Pilot training, that is who I am flying with. I'm not sure where you are located but it sounds like you are not too far.