
Well Known Member
Where to put this?? Not Camping, and I want all to know about it....

Big Bend Ranch State Park Trip
Febuary 12 to 15th

Carol and I have booked Bunk House beds Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The park is a fun place to visit in the winter. The fire is a favorite in the evenings,,,, you can tell us how fast your plane is and where it has taken you,,,, all those pilot stories.

Hope to see some of you there.
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As of now, I'm going to be on call for work that weekend, but we'll see how things actually play out. Louise and I have been trying to coordinate our calendars for several trips in the coming months, and while that has become our "traditional" weekend for BBRSP, we've been looking at other options as well. Glad you posted a date and drew a line in the sand Jay! It's a great trip for those who haven't been.

Flexable / Rain Date?


We can go most any weekend. Let us know, and we can adjust the date.

Congratulations on 'Valkyrie' 1000 hours
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Oh, No...

would love to go...but
Maybe next year...

We can go most any weekend. Let us know, and we can adjust the date.

Don't chnage the date on our account Jay - our schedule is so packed we are having trouble finding daylight, so we'll join up whenever we can. I encourage everybody to go to BBRSP and have fun!

Paul (Val now at 1042 hours)

Where exactly is BBRSP? (I know it's in TX, wise, ..er, guy!) It's not listed in the FlightGuide index. Thanx.
BBRSP? My guess Big Bend Regional State Park.

Now I will google it

I was wrong: Big Bend Ranch State Park
Identifier 3TE3

Search the forums for "BBRSP" if you want to see previous trip reports.


The Big Bend Ranch State Park is not taking reservations for Febuary. They say they are going to remodel the bunk house. We will wait until the last few days, look at the WX, and call and see if they will let us stay there. If not,we just might tow the CJ7 behind the Ford F150 and go on the road.
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Big Bend Trip


Marcie and I would like to fly down on Saturday to join you; we can only RON one night (Saturday). Let us know what you learn about the bunk house.

Craig Taylor
RV8 N5678C
Seeing as how I am now free from employment for a while :( I will come if WX permits. Of course, I wouldn't mind canceling for a good job interview....