
Active Member
It looks like the bunkhouse is full for the February fly-in. I called this morning and believe I got the last bed. There's a few thousand acres still available for camping.

Now if the weather god's cooperate it should be a great weekend.

The bunkhouse is FULL?!?

Plenty of camping area - and folks shoudl probably bring their tie-down kits, as there are anchors for about ten airplanes, but no ropes. Lots of flat space though.

I'm curious who all is going now...this should be quite a weekend - theymight have to bring in extra horses if everyone decides to go riding!

Horses at Big Bend Ranch

They are taking reservations for horses. I signed up for a four hour ride Sunday after lunch. Haven't been on a horse in thirty years. Used to own a couple when the kids were young and had an interest in riding. Now my motto is never own anything that is eating while you are sleeping.

Great experience

Paul, Garry, and I had a great half-day ride last year (see last year's trip reports). The horses are the same ones that they use on the ranch, although they seem to be their oldest and gentlest ones. If you have at least a little competence on a horse, I think you'll find them enjoyable and not the usual beaten-down rental horses. Paul and I also did a six-hour ride last October, but that was about an hour too long for us dudes. We haven't talked about whether we'll join the VAF Cavalry this year.