
Well Known Member
Big Bend Ranch State Park

Carol and I are planing to go stay at the ranch March 12-15th, 2009, give or take,,,,, depending on WX.

Danny and Martha Jane, Scorch, Crash, David, and a few others have expressed an interest in going. I hope this will boost a few more of you to get out and explore this great country of ours.

Hope to see you there.

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Hi Jay,

Looks like you enjoyed the last stay in January--it is a hidden treasure!!

Janie and I will look into joining you folks in March--however, we are also going out with a S. Texas group next week--Feb 17,18,19. Let's see, if we also go in March that would be 3 months in a row--seems we should be in line for a residence discount!!


BBSP March 13-16, 2009

Well plans change......
The New Dates are March 13-16th 2009
We have a small group. Hope a few more will come with us. The stars shine a little brighter in the high desert! Come on out!!!.
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Another Change

Another Change

The Ranch is booked up Sunday 15th to ???
So Carol and I have made reservations March 12 to 14th
Flying home Sunday, 15th.
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