
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well, we don't have "West Texas Forum", so I'll post here....

OK folks, I think that we have done enough research - it is time to try a trip to the Big Bend of Texas. I am calling this an "ala carte" weekend - you can pick and choose from the options available from local services while enjoying the company of other Rvators - or spend a little time lost in the wilderness by yourself! In short, I am not going to take or make group reservations - I'd like to have a list of who's planning to go, but I'll leave it up to each individual to call the park and reserve what they would like with regards to camping, bunkhouse space, and/or food. I've had enough experience trying to organize pilot's to know that it can be like herding cats (cats with strong egos!), so this way, everyone gets to do what they wish. :p

Dates: 16 - 19 Feb 2007. Come for all or part of a 4-day weekend - as many or few days as you like. (That is Presidents' day weekend for those that get the holiday). I have checked with the park, and they have plenty of space available right now at the bunkhouse, and camping is never booked up! The dates are picked to avoid the heat of summer, which runs from about April through November, and can melt tires!

Lodging: You can choose to primitive camp at "South Leyva", about 0.6 miles from the airstrip (they will help transport people to and from the airplanes) or stay in the bunkhouse/lodge (dormitory style lodging, men and women on opposite sides of the building, two beds to a cubicle), which is about a mile from the airstrip. Folks that are camping can choose to eat at the bunkhouse if they want, or bring their own food. Camping is $8 per night for up to four people. Bunkhouse is $25 per night per person.

Food options: Bring your own, or get it at the bunkhouse - Continental Breakfast is $6.00, Lunch is $8.50, dinner is $10.50. It's not ordering off a menu - it's what they are serving!

What to do:

1) They have guided horseback excursions right at the bunkhouse area - a 4-hour trip is $75 per person, an all-day is $150. (Personally, if I rode more than four hours, I probably couldn't climb back into the airplane!

2) You can hike just about anywhere you want to go for as long as you can walk! There are some pretty cool areas in the park, including a ten-mile diameter collapsed lava dome with a canyon where the water drains out. Might have to use part of (3) below to get there...

3) We are thinking that it would be a short ten-minute flight over to Terlingua where there is a gravel strip within walking distance of a jeep rental place. Rentals are $125/day. Two planes, four people, split the cost - fly over there after breakfast, go drive up to the National Park for the day, drive back, fly back to the State Park airstrip before dark - what a day!

4) Take an air tour of the Big Bend region. Don't cross the border into Mexico unless you want to attract black helicopters, but you don't want to miss seeing this landscape from the air!

4) Sit and watch the stars and spacecraft overhead after the sun sets!

Now, if there is anyone within reasonable driving distance of the park area that can't fly in, but wants to join the fun and provide local ground transportation?.I am quite sure that we can arrange numerous airplane rides for them for their trouble!

If you are interested and would like to take part in this weekend, please let me know, so I have a count (you can PM me if you don't want to advertise to the world where you'll be), and then call the State Park to make your own lodging/food reservations. We are NOT making a group reservation, but they will probably get the idea that an informal group is coming. Park phone number is 432-229-3416, and we'll be flying in to the State Park Airstrip, and staying in the area they call Saucedo.

I am sure I haven't answered all potential questions?.ask them here on the forum, so everyone can get the same answers!

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Ironflight said:
If you are interested and would like to take part in this weekend, please let me know, so I have a count (you can PM me if you don't want to advertise to the world where you'll be), and then call the State Park to make your own lodging/food reservations.
I'm in. I should be able to fly Jellybean over, so I'll need a 1:30 headstart unless someone is looking for a pax willing to share fuel ;)
Doug is in !

Bringing the acoustic, hopefully a telescope and my hiking boots.

Really looking forward to it and thanks again for doing all the leg work.

Big Bend

Trying to get my schedule arranged to join the 1st Big Bend expedition. Still building my RV-8, so I hope no one will be offended if I show up in a not-too-shabby Cessna 180. Its been there so many times that it practically knows its own way. I'll bring my acoustic too, and we can wail at the moon and stars.
Weather permitting, Janie and I will be making this trip. Looking forward to seeing many of you there.!!


Dave B.
RV9a/ECI0360/James Cowl/Catto Prop---100+hrs and a permanent smile!!!!!!!!
Can Arizonians be considered far west Texans for this trip?

Tom and Katie are thinking of coming from AZ. Are most of the people going to camp out or bunk in?
Telescopes and acoustics sound great!
Heck, it's probably closer to Arizona to Houston! I figured Big Bend would be a great place to meet more folks from the west side.

I'm going to make my own bunkhouse reservations today - but I might carry my tent and spend one night at the campsite. I'm planning on going out Friday and coming back Monday. BTW, you'll probably want to fuel up at Alpine or Marfa before heading to the park, so that you have fuel to do some local flying.

I'm In

Scorch is in.

I'll do the tent camping option, probably eat in the bunkhouse to keep it simple.

Iron, I'm thinking this is all dependent on good weather and at some point prior, when we have a credible forecast, someone, ie. you, will make a go - no go decision? Just reading your mind...
jBird is IN!

Carol and I will come in the Borrowed Horse. Bunk house for me. Carol will want to camp. We will bring the tent,...

The new RV8 is just going to have to wait. Boy is it hard to build when you have a perfectly good RV just sitting here wanting to be flown.
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For flight planning purposes where is the airport? Identifier? GPS cordinates?
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Geico266 said:
For flight planning purposes where is the airport? Identifier? GPS coordinates?

Glad to see the ball is rolling, and we have at least one camper to encourage others!

3TE3 is the identifier - you can see the Airnav info page here

Weather Go/NoGo call - I'll certainly share my thoughts as we get closer as to "weather" or not I think it's a safe trip or not! There are no IAP's out there, so it will have to be VFR...

FYI - I just made my Bunkhouse reservation over the phone. They took a credit card to take a 50% deposit, but you can cancel up until 2 days before for a refund, and if the cancellation is due to weather in close...."they'll work something out..." They need to know if you want meals about three days in advance, so you don't have to decide that now.

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Made our "Bunkhouse" reservations this morning. Looking forward to it :D !!!


Dave B.
RV9a/ECI0360/James Cowl/Catto Prop--100+hrs and a permanent smile!!!!!!!!!!
A few extra ideas for the Big Bend trip

Sounds like you guys are in for a great trip. I sure wish I could go but I'll be at the oposite border (International Falls,MN) driving around in the cold.

I learned to fly while living in Alpine Texas and the flying is wonderful there.

I use to work as a river guide on the Rio Grande. I would suggest that you try to take a one day trip down the river. If the water is high enough go for the Santa Elana Canyon trip. Seeing the park via water is totally different than hiking or even flying. Many of the river companies work out of Lajitas and you can fly there from the Ranch.

For a slightly different trip to the Big Bend, try going in November when Alpine has it's gallery night. Spend an evening walking around looking at some actually really good art and listening to music. Then fly down for some hiking at the Ranch.

And of course there is Lajitas. Don't blame me for it's current state. When I lived there it was a dirty town with shady characters and that's the way I left it. You could walk across the river and get some good food also, but if I say any more I'm sure I bust one of Doug's rules.

Have a great trip everyone.
Local Participation

Ironflight said:
Now, if there is anyone within reasonable driving distance of the park area that can't fly in, but wants to join the fun and provide local ground transportation?.I am quite sure that we can arrange numerous airplane rides for them for their trouble!

I'll see what we can dig up for transportation. There are several RV lovers in the local area, so I'll pass this around and drum up some enthusiasm and volunteers.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, Texas
Man, that would be great Chase! Let me know (you can always PM me if you wish).

Right now, if I count right, I have a dozen names of folks that say they'll be there for all or part - not bad a month in advance!

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DeltaRomeo said:
Bringing the acoustic, hopefully a telescope and my hiking boots.

Really looking forward to it and thanks again for doing all the leg work.

Will be a new moon on the 17th, so should be great for star gazing during the evenings if the skys are clear.
Two weeks away!

My, how time flies! I'm hoping for good weather and the chance to meet new folks - I'm still planning on spending three nights, unless something else comes up.

Right now, I'm thinking of seeing who wants to fly over to Study Butte on Saturday and rent a jeep to do the National Park. Then Sunday, I'm thinking of doing one of the horseback trips for the first half of the day, and then maybe a flying tour of the area in the afternoon.

The nights should be fabulous if the weather is clea....

lcnmrv8r said:
Anybody know if we can camp with the planes?? I'm new to the group and a new builder. RV7. Wings and tail almost done. I'd sure like to get to know some of ya'll(as they say in Texas). I'm thinking of coming over in my trusty old 172 from Lru.

When I asked about camping "with the planes", they took me to the closest campsite, which is about 0.5 miles away from the ramp. That was the second time I asked (I had asked on the phone), and got essentially the same result. When I was there on the ramp, I really didn't see a good place right next to the ramp to pitch a tent.

Big Bend Ranch State Park

Congrats on your fly in. The staff at BBRSP have been working hard to promote fly in's to the park. There will be a meeting in Houston next week on the future of BBRSP. If you are in the Houston area, you might want to attend. See details at under the Big Bend Ranch topic. Be sure to check out too. Fly safe, fly high!

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this shameless publicity!
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[email protected]

I'm in Houston. Would like to be a compensating passenger. If payload is available, would like to take my 11yr old son also. If not, leave him behind. :)

Good trip!

Paul, what a great idea! I've been down there a bunch for dirt bike riding, but never to relax (so to speak) or horseback ride. Will see if we can get a few planes from ABQ to meet y'all down there. :D

Don't forget....

Sounds like we're getting quite a response on this! Don't forget to make your own reservations with the park folks - they're very friendly on the phone, and are looking for visitors!

Just two weeks away - hoping to meet folks from out west that we don't get to see here in East Texas.

Fabulous Video!

Man, if Chase's Solitario video doesn't get you excited about the trip, nothing will! :D

That's some really great footage - of course, you'd have gotten to 10,000' a lot quicker if that camera had been strapped to an RV... :p

Since this is entirely a "roll-your-own" weekend, with no scheduled group activities, I thought I'd at least let folks know my own plans. I anticipate arriving out at BBRSP in the early afternoon on Friday, hanging around, and seeing who else decides to come out. I'm planning on staying in the Bunkhouse, and may just do some local hiking if I'm alone. I figure that nights will be great for looking at the stars!

Saturday, a couple of us have a jeep reserved in Study Butte, so will fly over there first ting in the morning, and spend the day driving around the National Park. I waited pretty late to reserve the jeep, and Far Flung had to find one somewhere else for me for Saturday, because they were "sold out". As of yesterday, they said they had some available on Sunday, if anyone is looking for that.

Sunday, I am hoping to do a morning guided horseback trip at BBRSP - I have to call and see if I need to give them advance notice (i suspect so). If anyone wants to join in that, I think it will be fun! Sunday afternoon I am thinking that if the weather is good, it will be time to take a nice flying tour of the area - saving enough fuel to make it back to Alpine for gas on the way home. Right now, I am planning on staying Sunday night , and then leaving for Houston on Monday morning.

I'm planning on eating dinners at the bunkhouse, unless someone wants to help put a group cook-out together....

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CTAF Frequency

Since I don't see a CTAF frequency published for the air strip, how about we all use 122.9 this weekend so that we don't run into one another?

I just got off the phone with the State park - I told them I was planning on eating Dinners all three nights there, and also partaking of their Continental breakfast. They do need to know if you're planning on eating there.

I also told them I was planing to do one of the four-hour horseback rides on Sunday morning if anyone else wants to join up on that! I foresee a formation of horses racing across the desert with a left break to final....I'll be the one falling off the horse... ;)

Weather forecasts for the weekend are looking good right now. :D

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Big Bend Fly-out

Paul- Two of us (Mike McMains & Dale Breedlove) from EAA Chap. 59 Waco have our res. made for the bunkhouse. If you still have room in the jeep, we'll share the cost with you.
122.9 is the standard freq. for non-unicom airports. Do we need to Ph. for permission to land per the airnav page? Mike (Mighty Mouse RV-7)
OK, 122.9

I'll go and correct my original post! 122.9 should work.

You shouldn't have to call for permission on using the airstrip - you've already told them you were coming, and when I talked with the park today, they are aware that they are about to be invaded. ;)

I think I already have a full jeep, but if that changes due to someone not making it, then you're first alternate Mike!

Weather's Looking Good!

I just checked the ol' Weathermeister for Presidio for the weekend - looks like lows in the low 40's, highs in the mid to upper 60's, partly cloudy to clear Fri - Sun with a slight chance of showers on Monday.

Doug, I hope you bring lots of free memory space for photo storage! :D

WX looks great, trip is a go! When are folks departing on Friday? I will be slower than the rest of you and want to check six for flights of faster RVs ;)
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I'm hoping to hit Alpine for fuel about noon, but hey, it's a vacation, so who needs to be that precise - maybe I'll be five minutes early or late - really let my hair down!
We will also be stopping in Alpine for fuel--probably between 11 and 1pm. We will probably use the courtesy car and get some lunch in Alpine before going on to BBRSP. If anyone else wants to make the lunch run let me know---we will wait.

BTW Paul, do you remember seeing any tie down anchors along the BBRSP runway when you did your "recon" trip??? I have straps and chocks only.

See ya'll on Friday!!!


Dave B./Janie B.
RV9a/ECi0360/James cowl/Catto prop--105+ hrs and a permanent smile!!!!

db1yg said:
do you remember seeing any tie down anchors along the BBRSP runway

I didn't get an accurate count last weekend, but there are rings in concrete for at least ten airplanes. No chains or ropes on site. It might still be a good idea to bring anchors because there may be more airplanes than anchors.

ALL - Feel free to contact me if you need help with last-minute arrangements.

At your service,

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, TX
[email protected]
Presidio RV's

Are any of you going to be at the Presidio, TX airport on Sat Feb.17? I will be in Presidio that day & would like to stop by & visit. Always like looking at cool planes. :D Hope it is warmer there than SW Kansas is, it made it to a balmy 14 degrees with snow :eek: Love that country, the view from air should be great.
Tag Up with Chase?

ShannonEvans said:
Are any of you going to be at the Presidio, TX airport on Sat Feb.17? I will be in Presidio that day & would like to stop by & visit. Always like looking at cool planes. :D .

Maybe you can get with Chase (above) and see if you can snag a ride out with him....
Presidio RV's

Will need to see what my schedual is. Will be driving into Presidio on Friday night from Sublette, KS. Will be in that area for a week on a Church mission trip, but Sat. is a relax day, but still may need to do a few things to get ready for Sun-Fri on Ojinaga,MX. Plan to wander by the airport in & see whats up in spare time.
westexflyboy said:
I didn't get an accurate count last weekend, but there are rings in concrete for at least ten airplanes. No chains or ropes on site. It might still be a good idea to bring anchors because there may be more airplanes than anchors.
Good point!

Here's my airplane count so far:
DFW Area: Jellybean, Flash, Scorch, Covey 534 (ACT area)
HOU Area: Ironflight, Jon Baker
AZ: Tom and Katie
Home Base Unknown: Tom N, Dave B

We have 9 right there and there are likely others who are coming, so please bring anchors if you have them.
Big Bend Bound

My wife and I are currently in Alpine on our winter traveling in the ground bound RV (5th Wheel trailer varity). We are planning on being in Study Butte until about Sunday night and staying somewhere inside Big Bend National Park after that. We are going to drive from Study Butte to Presidio on Friday or Saturday and will be in the National Park after that. We don't plan on getting to the State Park but I'll keep my eyes open to see if I see a group that looks like RVator type.
Dave B. and Janie (or should it be Janie and Dave B.??) are based out of the San Antonio area--specifically Bulverde (1T8).

See ya on Friday!!


I have to cancel

Got a problem... my battery's shot. I ordered a new one last week but it got delayed by the weather up north and now it's not going to arrive until Saturday. Oh well, maybe next year.

Have a great time!
Big Bend - Me too!

If the stars stay aligned, I expect to arrive at BIBE tomorrow afternoon, in time for dinner. Plan to camp and signed up for the Sunday morning horseback ride. Look forward to seeing folks tomorrow and Saturday!
Fuel Stop

Just a dumb Q, but why is everyone stopping at Alpine for fuel? I was planning on filling the tanks about halfway there so that I was at 1/2 fuel flying over terrain (I don't climb as well as most RVs). SJT seems to be a good stop between the DFW Metromess and BBSP.
Fuel stops and local hours

Personally, I'll stop in Marfa. I think the idea is to have plenty of fuel for sightseeing in the area of Big Bend.

One thing, also, to consider is that many FBOs in this neck of the world are not open on Sunday or holidays (i.e., 18th and 19th). And, the airports are commonly far apart. Some say that this is the wild west. If you will need fuel on the way home on Sunday or Monday, it would be prudent to confirm that the planned FBO will be open (or find a self serve airport) and then make sure you have an alternative plan in case their situation changes. Alternatively, most airport will come out and fuel you on Sunday/holidays for a $35-$50 fee.

the_other_dougreeves said:
Just a dumb Q, but why is everyone stopping at Alpine for fuel? .

Like Louise said - I want to have as much fuel on board for local flying as I can get. With the RV, climb is not an issue... :D

We'll miss ya' Jon - get that battery installed and come out for two days!
Big Bend Fuel Availability

Louise Hose said:
If you will need fuel on the way home on Sunday or Monday, it would be prudent to confirm that the planned FBO will be open

100LL prices and availability confirmed by telephone at 1:00 p.m. Thursday Feb 15:

E38 - Alpine, self-serve credit card $3.70/gal.
KMRF - Marfa, daylight hours including Sunday full-service $3.90/gal.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, TX
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FYI- for those coming from the east KBAZ has self serv for 2.90 a gallon and they have a resturant on the field. It is might be to far east but it looks to be the cheapest fuel and a good breadfest or lunch stop over. I hope to make it out on Saturday, to meet some of those that have finished your RV's. If they finish my roof in time I will be leaving KHYI in my old and slow straight leg Cardinal. I will bring my practice kits that I just finished for some critical inspections.
Have a good time everybody!

I will be on IH-10 heading west to Kerrville Friday. I will look up a few times to watch everyone zooming overhead from Houston. Have a good time and post those pictures.

Heading out!

Looks like a great day for flying across the state of Texas - except that I'll be up against headwinds all the way.

Lookign forward to meetign some new folks out at Big Bend.


Hey folks - I decided to delay until tomorrow - winds at the intermediate points looked too ugly to me. With luck, I will be heading over tomorrow morning. If you're reading this from the park, please let Paul know.