Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Ironflight, the Valkyrie, and I will be on the L35 ramp at 11:30 am on Saturday with plans to eat in the Barnstormers Cafe (on airport). PM or e-mail me if you want us to save you a seat at the restaurant.

It's beautiful up here, folks. I can't think of a reason to go anywhere else on Saturday!


17 March 2010​
Ironflight, the Valkyrie, and I will be on the L35 ramp at 11:30 am on Saturday with plans to eat in the Barnstormers Cafe (on airport). PM or e-mail me if you want us to save you a seat at the restaurant.

I will be in Big Bear this weekend. Hopefully, I can swing by the airport, as I would love to meet you two. Probably can't stay for lunch, but a quick look at 'Valkyrie' would be great.

I am building a 9A, I look forward to chatting with anyone that has a completed plane. Its good for motivation.
I'll be there...

Perfect timing! I was just sitting here thinking about a Saturday adventure. Please save me a seat.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

Raincheck Please!

Louise, Iron:

I'd be there in a heartbeat if I wasn't out here in your neck 'o the woods (Tejas) flying the "box" for a couple days. Next time for sure (and please warn them about next New Years Day :))

Have fun!!


I'd love to join you guys, but I'm stuck in Texas putting a new canopy bubble in Don Mc Namara's RV-8 "Smokey". His plane is here for paint at Grady's. Have fun and fly safe.
I'd love to join you guys, but I'm stuck in Texas putting a new canopy bubble in Don Mc Namara's RV-8 "Smokey". His plane is here for paint at Grady's. Have fun and fly safe.

Don't tell me that Don burst his bubble ALREADY?!?!:p

I actually bet that with the Doll's extra fuel, you might be able to one-hop it out here....we'll have to have you and Martha Jane meet us at the cabin sometime and find out.
Hey Guys,

If I can work it out I will come over from Prescott. Janie is in Phoenix visiting her sister so it is a perfect opportunity to give 9DB some exercise.

All the Best and


Looking good!

Look forward to seeing folks tomorrow. We have about a dozen saying they'll try to join us. Especially looking forward to seeing youagain, Dave.


I was just up in the Valkyrie and it is smooth and beautirul this morning. Looks like we'll have about a dozen folks.
Great Lunch!

Another beautiful day in the Southern California mountains.....

We had better than a dozen (some came, some went, I was to busy to count...) RV'ers show up for lunch Texas, Arizona, and San Diego, perhaps we have to recognize those who few the SHORTEST to get there today - I think that would be Gary Sobek from Cable or a couple of guys from just down the hill in Yucca Valley - or just down the other hill in Redlands.

Regardless, we enjoyed talking to everyone and looking at some very nice RV's. Louise and I have had a great week running around SOCAL, and it looks like tailwinds most of the way home tomorrow.

Until our next trip, we'll remember the piictures.....





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Nice people, beautiful setting, outstanding weather, incredible scenary over and back from Prescott----1:35 over/1:27 back--amazing machines we fly!

A really enjoyable day--and 9DB got some much needed exercise.

All the Best and as always,

