Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Ironflight?s birthday fly-in at Big Bear, CA, was a nice success! I don?t think anyone made a formal tally but approximately 12 RVs, one Harmon rocket, and one spam-can flew into L35 yesterday morning. The TFR over the airport was lifted, the nearby forest fire was contained, and the weather was beautiful (albeit a bit cool for the season). A temporary tower was still operating due to the fire, which helped to facilitate a safe environment for the SoCal Wing of Van?s Air Force formation demonstration flight. Folks started gathering on the ramp a little before 11 am and the 8-ship ?Condor Flight? team, led by Gary Sobek, made their first pass about 5 minutes after the hour. They thrilled everyone on the ground with their spectacular show. No doubt, the timing was perfect to capture the attention of lots of local folks leaving church as well as everyone out in the Valley enjoying the beautiful morning.

A total of approximately 26 of us crammed into the airport restaurant for a good lunch and even better hanger talk. The restaurant did an admirable job of getting the orders out quickly (perhaps in part thanks to a warning two-days earlier). Most of the folks then taxied to the north side and joined a birthday celebration at my family cabin two-blocks north of the field. The hit of the day was the SoCal birthday present to Paul (http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=21497).

A few photographs from the day may be viewed at: http://picasaweb.google.com/DrKarst/2007_09_23PaulsBirthdayAtBigBear

Paul and I appreciate everyone coming up to spend some time with us and I want to give a special thanks to Condor for arranging the 8-ship salute! It certainly helped make this birthday a special one for Paul (and me).
It really WAS a great time, and the pictures don't show just how nice the day really was for flying - light winds right down the runway, cool weather, but warm enough to eat cake outside - couldn't have asked for a nicer birthday present from everyone. (Louise even had to factor density altitude into the birthday cake baking, and I thought she did great with my mother's recipe.) I gave some rides to Louise's nephew and his daughter, and it was a delightfully smooth day to fly over the mountains.

As I was leaving this morning, the temporary tower guy was as friendly as he'd been all weekend. I thanked him on the air for his support there at Big Bear for the week, and he said that he enjoyed working all of us as well. I bet he didn't bargain for an air show when he went up there for the fire support.

By the way, I think it took a formation of matches to get all those candles lit before they all burned down....We probably broke some local fire codes having that much flame in one place...

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I had to laugh

With Paul's propensity to write excellent trip reports for anything longer than going to the corner drug store, I just knew there would be a write up of the B'day bash...:)

Looked like fun and I must admit I'm starting to get itchy flying feet again I mean....

Build plane, get IFR, go to aerobatic school...whats left...Formation flight...Hmmm...Now that looks COOL!

My lovely Wife is rolling her eyes at this point..:)

Happy Birthday Paul, Maybe I'll make the next one

