Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Iron (Paul Dye), his Valkyrie, and I will be having brunch with other RVers at the Barnstormer Cafe on the Big Bear airport (L35) starting at 10:30 am on Sunday (obviously, VFR conditions allowing). Several of the SoCal group have let us know that they plan to join us. How about you? (Yes, I know, the Valkyrie will have to get her brunch next door at the fuel pumps, but she'll be waiting for us outside.)
Sounds good... WX forecast looks good... I'll plan to be there.

And with 100LL now at $3.50 there, you should buy Valkyrie dessert, too. :)

Sounds good... WX forecast looks good...

Maybe spoke too soon. NWS now saying, for Sunday a.m.: "THE EURO MODEL

PIREP--Beautiful in Big Bear!

Just saw the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen as we approached L35 tonight. Weather looks good for tomorrow. Hope to see some folks up here.
Looks to be beautiful tomorrow. Wish I could make it up the hill to meet you all. Give a wave if you depart SE over the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area... we're just a stones throw from KUDD - Bermuda Dunes! DJ
Just saw the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen as we approached L35 tonight. Weather looks good for tomorrow. Hope to see some folks up here.
Just got calls from Gary Sobek and Bill Souza on the TAF for Sunday: LOTS of wind. I don't mind some wind (<30 knots) but 35G45KT gets my attention!

KWJF 082323Z 0900/0924 VRB03KT P6SM SCT250
FM090100 26015KT P6SM BKN250
FM090800 26018G28KT P6SM SCT250
FM091300 27025G35KT P6SM SKC
FM091800 28030G40KT 5SM BLDU SKC TEMPO 0920/0924 28035G45KT 2SM BLDU

We'll see how the morning goes as it's already starting to pick up here at 2100 PST :confused: Rosie
PIREP: Sleeting right now

Yep. The winds aren't here right now but there is sleet. Please watch the weather if you are thinking of coming up.

The Val is snug in our new hanger(!) And Paul and I will find a way to enjoy the day with our snug cabin.:)
******** Surface Observations ********
Big Bear City CA [KL35] automated hourly observation on the 9th at 7:12am PST (1512Z), wind 240 degrees at 7 knots gusting to 17 knots, visibility 4 miles, light snow, 1,200 feet scattered, 1,800 feet broken, 3,400 feet overcast, temperature 1C (34F), dewpoint -2C (28F), altimeter 29.70, automated station with precipitation discriminator.

******** Pilot Reports ********
Big Bear City CA [L35]: URGENT pilot report at 40 nautical miles on the 030 degree radial of Paradise [PDZ VOR] at 7:17am PST (1517Z), at 14,500 feet a Boeing C-17, Globemaster 3 reported turbulence severe 140 - 150 ... Los Angeles Center (Palmdale CA) Center Weather Service Unit

A C-17 is much larger than an RV. If it is Severe Turbulence in a C-17, I do not want to get in it in an RV.

I have not canceled yet but am leaning toward it.

From Rosie: Bill Souza and I are out :(
L35: 8:12 AM IFR 1 1/4 sm Light Snow Scattered 700', Overcast 1300' 240° at 14 gusting to 21 kt 32.0°F 28.4°F 29.69"
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not this time

Been watching trends all morning, hoping to launch. Ceilings and visibility lifting somewhat, but winds: Still gusts into the 20's at L35, 40kt winds aloft at 12k ft, and more and more pireps of moderate to severe turbulence over the San Bernardino mountains.

So, it's a no-go for us. Discretion is the better part of valor...

Iron wouldn't fly, either

Glad we got in last night. Paul says he wouldn't fly right now (and I sure wouldn't), but it does get looking like it's breaking up.

We're ridinging over for brunch, if any one is driving over. (Still looks very bad for flying.). :-(
I am sitting in my hangar wanting to go. Could drive up but it is a little too late to make 10:30.

Want to finish the ring seating on the engine. Only 3.5 hour WOT so far. Do not want to fly WOT in the conditions that exist today. Will end up cleaning the hangar up and wash the Beesel.

Have a nice visit in SoCAL.