Well Known Member
Chances are you have already seen a lot of the RV-12 accessories that Jetguy and Rdog have created for the RV-12 and we have not been setting on our hands. We've just received authorization from the FAA to provide Biennial flight reviews and Transition Training in the RV-12. This note is just to let you know you now have options on where to get the RV-12 training. We are located at the Denton airport in Denton Texas. Denton is where the two I 35's meet about 15 miles north of DFW airport. We will put out more info in the near future. :D

I've flown with Colin and their RV-12 when Colin came through my area earlier this year. Colin let me fly from the left seat, and I had a great time. It was my first flight in an RV-12.

He's an excellent instructor and their plane is very, very nice and well-equipped.

Definitely I am a customer, I will be in contact a bit later on to get both a BFR and RV12 training. So happy I won't have to travel quite as far to accmplish this!
I was their guinea pig a couple of weeks ago. I have not flown since 2004. We did 5 hrs, knocked off a lot of my rust, absolutely excellent plane and professional instruction. I feel fully capable of doing the test flights now. I recommend this HIGHLY. I had no RV experience, the last several years before 2004 was a Bonanza. The -12 is very different! (LOTS more right rudder, for example, even on takeoff.) I did have a lot of Grumman experience with castering nosewheels but the -12 is different from that as well. Picked up a cover, wheel chocks, and some good advice about finishing up my plane when Skyview is released. This is a very valuable service!
I would do it today, but by the time the Skyview is available I would need another BFR! :D

For most people, a Biennial Flight Review means they take one every other year. Has someone suggested that you ought to take one every other month? :):D;)
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