
Well Known Member
I'm due a bi-ennual static system (check as required by the FARs every other year) I cannot find a procedure for safely accomplishing this check in either the D-180 User Manual or the Installation manual. I do see the adjustment in the Setup menu.

Can anyone point me to the location of the procedure in the manual (or just describing to me what the inspector needs to do) to keep from damaging my D-180 i.e where and how to hookup. and preventing it from losing calibration.

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Biennial ...

Biannual may give the Feds some bad ideas, like requiring certain stuff be done twice a year! :)

(Sorry, I have a SkyView, so can't help with your question.)
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Yep...I know better...just wasn't thinking...want to fly with me? But now that I have your attention, how would you do the check with your Skyview. I assume you have similar pickups on the back of your unit..
Can't find it now but for the D10A/D!00 I think it's recommended that pitot is tied to static when running the test up to higher altitudes (e.g. 10,000').

Something about not exposing the unit to unrealistic pressure inputs.

I could well be wrong.

In my defense, I was aware of my ignorance, but I was unable to edit the heading. I took a "stab" at a correction in the message...which was weak also..How do you edit a heading??

I'll never get over this..please don't send it to my wife...she's an English major.
Not sure I know what you mean by "pitot being tied to static" Pls explain..There are 3 inputs on the back of my D-180..I'll try to download a D-10 (installation?) manual..
To edit a title you have to get a moderator involved. But you can edit the text.
The issue is, don’t do just a static test to 20,000’ while leaving the pitot open to ambient pressure. That puts a significant pressure gradient across the IAS sensor, more than it was designed for. If you only want to test the static system, put a Y in the vacuum tube and attach it to the pitot tube (other end to static). Make sure your connections don’t leak, drain holes taped over, etc.
As you lower the pressure on the static system (relative to pitot pressure) , the displayed airspeed will increase. At some point (don't remember the altitude or pressure) the pressure difference between Pitot and Static may exceed what the unit is designed to handle.

Again, I may be wrong and others can explain or correct what I've written.


Edit: I see Bob beat me to it.
Thanks guys...I'll pass this along to the technician...better still..take it to someone who has done it on a Dynon system before..
... how would you do the check with your Skyview. I assume you have similar pickups on the back of your unit..

The SkyView contains a special pitot/static test mode that allows you to perform required altimeter and/or airspeed checks without affecting the calibration of the attitude-sensing components.

There is some verbiage that may be useful on page 5-20 of the SkyView System Installation Guide. Some of it appears to be what is in the white paper that Walt provided.

Re: "I'll never get over this..please don't send it to my wife...she's an English major." Oh man, are you going to be in trouble! :eek: