
Well Known Member
How has your CFI conducted BFR's if you only have access to an RV3?

I know what the rules say, but wondered what happens in real life.

thanks for any info
I can give you the contact info for a CFI who I know for a fact will do one from the ground. :) ...even though the BFR is currently described as requiring "flight training", which the feds define as "that training, other than ground training, received from an authorized instructor in flight in an aircraft". They had to add the "in" part...I bet Ag pilots really hated that. :D

...I bet Ag pilots really hated that. :D

Many of us Ag pilots are CFI's as well, so we get to spend $300-400 on renewals, every two years for the privilege:eek:

Yep, it is "Bi-ennial", not bi-annual.

Also, (my pet peave), HANGAR, not HANGER. Hangers are for clothes:)

Hello John,

Thinking the BFR does not need to be conducted in any particular catagory or class... no need to conduct it in an RV-x.

FAR 61.56(d)....!OpenDocument

A pilot proficiency check conducted by an examiner for a new rating counts as a BFR also, so a check ride adding a Sea Plane rating counts, and I'm thinking even adding a Glider rating would do it as well. So rent / borrow a C-150 and punch your ticket.... or go get that Sea Plane rating just for the fun of it.

More semantics.

There is no BFR anymore. They changed the name to plain ole "Flight Review". It just so happens that it is still due biennially.

On a side note I wish you could "look back" to see when regs changed to the current verbage, and what the old verbage used to be. I have been on both sides of the "holy cow, they changed that!?!"

Anyone know of a way to research this? I wish I had kept my 1990 Far/Aim.

Also, (my pet peave), HANGAR, not HANGER. Hangers are for clothes:)


My pet peeve too... and I complained to our Town zoning folks.

Apparently the IBC (building code) spells it wrong as HANGER so they just follow the standard....:mad: