
Legacy Member
Last night when we sat down to dinner the Second November Issue of Trade-A-Plane was on the table. On the cover was a picture of a beautiful black w/ yellow wings 1929 Waco ATO Taperwing.

Nora looked at it and said, "That is really nice looking! You can build one of those next."

Sorry guys, looks like I'll have to change forums. Now to find out if there is a Waco Air Force out there...
Mine too......

Jenny asked me yesterday if we could fly down to the coast at Beaufort on Friday since the RV just had its annual condition inspection. She wants to go and meet Nick Jones and have a seafood lunch. Nick was the guy I mentioned earlier that had his Cassutt wing flutter at over 200 MPH and disintegrated. He bailed and tells about it.

You and I are two lucky guys, Bill.

Sorry guys....I have the best wife in the world, for sure when it comes to airplane stuff. Her dad took me to my first EAA chapter meeting 30 years ago when we were first dating. Having grown up in a homebuilder family full of flying uncles and fly-in visits, the red-haired girl was fully aviation pre-conditioned when I was lucky enough to marry her....

Now watch...somebody is gonna chime in and tell us his wife is a senior airline captain who makes him stay home and build airplanes....and BTW, he is getting a Stearman for Christmas <g>
Sorry guys....I have the best wife in the world, for sure when it comes to airplane stuff. Her dad took me to my first EAA chapter meeting 30 years ago when we were first dating. Having grown up in a homebuilder family full of flying uncles and fly-in visits, the red-haired girl was fully aviation pre-conditioned when I was lucky enough to marry her....
I don't know Dan, this is going to be close. My father-in-law is also a pilot who has bucked or driven 1/3 the rivets in my -9. Nora has driven and/or bucked 1/3, and the rest were by done by miscellaneous friends.

In fact, my father-in-law is now out looking for an abandoned kit to complete.
Nope, I think my wife if the best!

Since it's a long way from house to hangar I had planned on staying in one of the local hotels near the hanager so we would not have to wake up so early for our O-dark thirty departure on T-day. The wife said "No, Let's stay in the hangar". Who am I to argue. There's a bed, bathroom with shower, washer/dryer, HEAT, coffee pot, fridge, microwave and 3000 sq ft of space; all the comforts of home. Guys, after spending the night she commented that the hangar was much nicer than any hotel.

When we got back on Sunday from our 3000 mile 14 stop adventure to SoCal to visit with Paul and Victoria Rosales and friends she commented that he wished the extendo weekend was not over.

I never have to ask if she wants to go, all I have to do is tell her when.
.........the red-haired girl was fully aviation pre-conditioned when I was lucky enough to marry her....

Not fair, your's didn't know any better.:D

Mine on the other hand, had to be converted. it took many years. ;) Kids are gone, so She decided to go back to school and said "you've supported us all these years. I'll finish my Masters and you can retire early and build airplanes."
Sorry guys,
My woman is the best. She tells me to go fly every day that the weather is good, she always says, are you flying today? She nags me to get on the build of OUR Rv7 so we can start flying all over the country, TOGETHER. She is always right there to help out also. I don't have to tell her that I bought something for either airplane, just do it she says. When something comes in the mail for either airplane, she is there with eyes wide open to see what I got. Saying, wow that's cool. I stop by the hangar every night to do the preinspection, fuel and cleaning. She's right there to help out. Come January we will be married 30 years.
So Bill....

I don't know Dan, this is going to be close. My father-in-law is also a pilot who has bucked or driven 1/3 the rivets in my -9. Nora has driven and/or bucked 1/3, and the rest were by done by miscellaneous friends.

In fact, my father-in-law is now out looking for an abandoned kit to complete.

Father-in-law 1/3, wife 1/3, friends 1/3. Looks like you will need to go to a class on learning to rivet sense you didn't get to pound any yourself.:p

By the way my wife is the bravest. She is scared to death of flying, but she still will go with me when I fly.:cool:

My wife's great!

Like some of the comments already: my wife tells me to go flying, especially on Saturdays when she has a list of things she'd rather have me do. But she knows how much flying means to me. She goes with me several times a year: fall watching, weekend getaways, weddings, etc.
But, what gets me the most is her comment that she doesn't even want to see the checkbook of my spending on the airplane because it's what I do that gives me joy. So the responsibility is on me to handle everything fairly. How much better can it get?
Looks like you'll be starting that Hatz project after all. It's no Waco but with some vintage colors it will have that golden age look which is so appealing.

I should have my spars soon and will frame up a wing panel soon afterwards. If all goes well I plan on starting a Hatz CB-1 blog or builder site. Here comes the HAF!

See you Saturday?
Let's flip this around

a little. I think mine is the best a guy could have, but for a different reason. When my gal was in high school she drove a 66 Chevelle, 396 cu in, Muncie 4 speed :cool: Her kick is anything loud and fast Baby. When I told her our plan was to build an -8 she said that she would learn how to fly:D Now everone knows where that puts me:eek: Plan 'B' is a -7 ;) of course with the IO-390

My son is only 11 and I get a little overwhelmed with how to raise a boy since his Daddy died 2 years ago.

BUT, I have explained to him the importance of marrying a girl with similar values and interests. Initially, we discussed that she should like flying, but he's moved on to say that perhaps it would be better if she already had her own plane!!! :rolleyes: I guess he's on the right track!!
but he's moved on to say that perhaps it would be better if she already had her own plane!!!

At Oshkosh this year I saw a girl/woman's tee shirt at the Women Fly shop. On the front was "No, it's not my boy friends airplane".

I wish him luck!
#1 Wife!!!

My wife loves to fly! She really likes RVs! She wants to finish her private pilot's license! She lets me stay at home and build my RV-8A! Three years ago, she insisted that we purchase a lot at Mogollon Airpark (www.az82.com), Overgaard, Arizona for a future move!

Not only all that, but she's put up with me (A COMPLETE, IRRATIONAL AIRPLANE NUT) for 32 years! That alone is enough for her to rank #1 in my book!

Best Regards to All You Happily-Married Folks With Airplane-Supportive Spouses!

Bill Palmer :)
Chino Hills, CA

For almost all the above reasons, and a couple more I aint gonna talk about!!!!!!!

P.S., the photo----avatar----if from our honeymoon, Oshkosh 04.
Guys we need to consider ourselves really blessed if we have a wife that will fly with us and enjoy it. I have met so many pilots over the years that their wives will not fly with them and they are all alone in that aspect of their lives except for a few hanger rats.
OK, I've stayed quiet long enough.

My Pretty Lady is supportive, a builder, Private Pilot since the mid 80's, superb navigator, great cook and housekeeper. She's been President of EAA Chapter 168 twice.
AND, she's put up with me for 30 years come December 9th.
The only negative thing she's ever said about airplanes is right after she watched me crash the Moni. She said right then and there; "No more single seat airplanes! Period. End of discussion."
Mines pretty good too

My wife is supportive and has come to like flying in the RV, but the latter coming after some time. Just this morning she again showed her support and is continuing to do so as I'm typing this. With my annual condition inspection in process I'm finding little motivation to get to the airport and start working. So far I've read emails, Rosie's latest trip report, the forums, had two cups of coffee, and had breakfast. About ten minutes after telling her that I'm having trouble finding the desire to go to the airport to work she started offering alternatives to entice me from my chore. She's a clever one my girl because she waits a few minutes so that I won't link her suggestions to my previous statement about feeling lazy. She started out subtle but within minutes she was laughing as she offers ideas for my day. Her are some that have been offered up to get me out of the house and getting the plane airborne again.

1. I can strip wallpaper from the bathroom and get it ready to paint.
2. We can go the outlet centers and shop for gifts.
3. Costco is a good idea and we can pick up a few things.
4. The Christmas ornaments are still in the rafters and not on the tree
5. She would like to re-arrange the furniture to see how it would look

Everything I need magically appeared and is waiting for me at the front door for a day spent at the hanger. She's a keeper...
Looks like there are quite a few guys who have the best wife in the world.. :)

My wife wants a Pitts.. :D