
Well Known Member
I just received my crankshaft, cam, rods, lifters, gears, etc. from Aircraft Specialties. They were wrapped in plastic bags and in the typical cardboard boxes. I am not going to be able to finish the overhaul for some time, maybe a year or more so what is the best way to store these parts. It appears that the cam is coated in a light oil which seems like a good way to do it but the crankshaft is pretty dry. Can I coat it in engine oil and put it back in the bag and box that it came in? The other items are coated in the light oil from Aircraft Specialties. My main concern is the crankshaft. Any suggestions.
No problem to coat with a thick oil or even grease.
Another suggestion would be to keep them in a controlled environment if possible, like inside the house.
Unless you live in...

No problem to coat with a thick oil or even grease.
Another suggestion would be to keep them in a controlled environment if possible, like inside the house.

...a part of the country that uses swamp coolers...:^)

Just pick the driest location.
Good Point

...unless you live in a part of the country that uses swamp coolers...:^)

Just pick the driest location.

I didn't think about "swamp coolers". If we used them here. EVERYTHING would rust!

Thanks for the reply. Everything is kept in my heated and air-conditioned shop (no swamp coolers - can't stand them... only refrigerated units) so the climate is controlled. Also, being in Utah, our climate is very dry which should play to my favor.
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Borrow a Foodsaver...since the bags are in rolls its easy to vacuum pack a crank or a cam with one.
Kept mine oiled and bagged in my master closet for 4 years, looked good as the day they were bagged when I put the engine together.