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I’m needing to move an RV-8 kit that is partially together from New York to Kansas. The tail is currently not attached, there is no engine or engine mount on the front, and it’s not on the gear.

If I rent a U-Haul and do it myself, what’s the best way to pad and secure it so it’s not damaged during the drive?

Is there a service that moves projects? If so who would I contact?

Or would it be better to build crates and send it freight?

Are there other options I haven’t considered or advice on doing this safely and affordably?
Thanks in advance!
From your description, its in just about a perfect configuration to put in a U-Haul - you can put the fuselage on a mattress on teh floor and secure it with cinch-straps to the walls. However….if you don’t like the idea of the drive, or of packing/unpacking everything, or do the costing and realize that it isn’t cheap - especially when you add in gas, hotel, restaurants, etc…. You can contact Stewart Transport and get a quote from them - they do this for a living (moving aircraft kits and kit cars). I did the math last December to move a complete F1 QB kit from Indianna to Nevada, and while the U-Haul option was a touch cheaper (not by much with all the extras - including airfare - added in), Stewart was a slam-dunk becasue I didn’t have to do a thing but receive it at my end. Worth checking on both options IMHO….