
Well Known Member
Pneumatic Cleco Tool...

These are one of those things that once you buy one, you wonder how you managed without it. I'm just getting started in my build and glad I got one of these now.

Found it for $50 at PanAmerican Tool

I have one and rarely use it. Except on the wing skins, when I used it once in a while, it's been a waste of money to me.

Of course maybe I have weak clecos....

I just got done with my Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder. I liked it. I sit at a computer a lot, so anything to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome works for me.

I think there are a bunch of tools that are nice to have - and i agree that this one falls into that category, along with my pneumatic squeezer.
I just got done with my Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder. I liked it. I sit at a computer a lot, so anything to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome works for me.

Wait until your wings and fuselage. You'll appreciate it then.

I remember waking up in the middle of the night once upon a time with an aching, absolutely aching right forearm. It took me two weeks of left handed clecoing to get over that. Afterwards, I alternated hands clecoing any time I was doing more than a handful of clecos.

For the the RV-10, especially, I am a big proponent of the pneumatic cleco runner. I still end up using the hand pliers all the time for small stuff assembly or tight areas. Plus, the hand pliers were all I had for my empennage and tailcone builds, so I still have the "Grip of Death." :)
My best tool purchase was a coote belt grinder (google it). Belt grinders are amazing. You can go from a super coarse grit belt to hog off metal at a frightening rate to a super fine to polish or even a felt polishing belt or scotchbright belt in seconds. I even grind my hss lathe tools on it.

I will never own another bench mounted disc sander.