I read somewhere that it would be easier to fit the rudder pedal assembly before fitting the side skins (my next stage)

Could anyone give me advice as with a "crook" spine I need to minimise the contortions!


You will have to remove them when running the wires. They also might be in the way a bit when sealing the perimeter of the firewall to the skins. That's why I haven't put them in yet and I am waiting until I have the wires installed.
Alternative method

If you have not already installed the shelf that the pedals attach to, you can install them right on your work table. Turn the shelf bottom-up and fit the pedals to the shelf. You can do the whole assembly, brake cylinders and all right on the bench. When it is all assembled it will slide into place and can be sealed and riveted in place. I did not have any trouble routing wires over it. Saves the back! You can also attach all the nutplates with ease also.
I saw no advantage or need to remove them to route the wires, I just slid the wires up and over the rudder bars. I have not sealed my firewall yet, that may be a problem.

You will have to remove them when running the wires. They also might be in the way a bit when sealing the perimeter of the firewall to the skins. That's why I haven't put them in yet and I am waiting until I have the wires installed.
I ran the fuel lines, brake lines and the rudder pedal install before I put the side skins on. Sure made eveything a lot easier,,,,
Even with the side skins AND the tail on, it is very easy to put that on its side for the final fit of the rudder pedals. And that is after you have all the wiring done through the tunnel and up to the panel area. I put them in after I had done all the control linkages, all with the fuse on its side. Very convenient.

Here is a message I had about sequence...
...I had temporarily attached the wings and tail and drilled the flaperon torque tubes and rudder links. Everything fit! Wings went on easy with a little jiggling. Note: Lube both the wing attach pins AND the bushings. I had attached the stabilizer and finished the tail fairing and checked for clearance. Fine, no metal shaving needed. I did not attach the stabilizer cables - once you do that and they get tightened the stabilizer stays on - and I want it off for painting. Tony said he did that at the airport when he did final assembly. In the meantime I just secured the rudder and stabilizer cables at the far aft bulkhead.

But why I wrote - at some point you will put in the rudder pedals for the last time and secure them. If you do it like I did, the plane will be on its side. Way later in the plans is the "Miscellanea" section. In that section are two little brackets that fit in front of the top of the pedals. Put these in while the plane is still on its side - MUCH easier!

Oh: Wings on, match drill torque arms, wings off, remove torque arms, finish match drilling, and reassemble flaperon controls. It was MUCH easier to put the fuse back on its side after taking the wings off to do the above! This is when I read ahead and saw those rudder brackets. Whew!