
Well Known Member
I just finished up my instrument rating today (sticks chest out) :)

I am ready to move on to the commercial rating. I would welcome your advice and input as to which study materials worked well for you in pursuing the commercial.

Tony, congrats on the instrument rating!

FWIW- I haven't done commercial yet, but for my private and instrument rating I had both the Jepp and ASA training materials. Between the two I consistently found Jepp to be vastly superior to ASA in clarity and accuracy.

Used the King CD's

It took me three times through the CD's as well as multiple times through the practice exams - mostly memorization of the tricky questions. Your memorization mileage may vary....

Taking the practical test within the next few weeks. The commercial flight training has been by far the most fun and the most educational. Forced night flying has been the best training - gaining good judgement by experience :) Utilizing the rudder was a good thing. Xcountry by pilotage revealed that I depend on the GPS too much. Good VOR practice as well as continued instructor input throughout the commercial training was invaluable... find a really good instructor. They're worth every penny of extra training hours. Refined Xwind landing technique was also invaluable. More instrument approach practice was also done during the training - proficiency is priceless.

The commercial rating will not be of much direct benefit in the RV(experimental restriction.) However, the training has be worth every minute.
