
Well Known Member
Anyone know the cheapest way to get a 20X7T Andair fuel valve w/ an extension? Van's and ACS look to be the cheapest, but Van's doesn't mention the extension and the ACS page says the extension has to be ordered with the valve. Direct from Andair looks expensive. Anyone figure this out recently and have any advice?

Thanks much...

Find a friend who is coming to the UK.
Phone Andair direct. Its easy to do it that way and really is not expensive. Pay for the valve using your US credit card. Andair will be happy with it.
Get the valve and extension delivered direct to wherever your friends are staying.

I'll be surprized if ACS or Vans will be cheaper than Andair direct. If you can avoid shipping and any customs charges you should come out ahead.

The dollar is now up against the pound by nearly 25% - today I think the rate was GBP1 to USD1.56. I managed to buy my kit and other parts at better than USD2 to GBP1 which made me happy -:D:D:D now the rate suits you guys much better.

Hope that helps,

There are a couple of different extension types - I ordered mine well after the valve. It will come with a new circular plate (different interior and exterior diameters), new handle and a couple of other minor parts.

RV-10 N442PM
Let us know how you end up getting ahold of Andair.

I have emailed Andair multiple times and for the past 2 days I have been calling them. I've tried to dial the number 2 different ways because I thought I was doing something wrong. The first attempts say the number is not valid. The second attempts today just rang and rang. No voicemail..nothing.
I am very impressed with the fuel valves and Gascolators they make. I am completely bored and fed up with the customer service and process to get anything out of them.
If another entrepenuer is reading....take note. Design a nice fuel valve comparable to Andair and sell it in the USA with some actual Customer service. You will rule the fuel valve market.
Couple of simple things:

I can't remember what you dial for an international call in the USA - "00" seems to ring a vague bell. Then you dial the country code - 44, then the rest of the number omitting the "0". The "+" works from within Europe, but I have never even tried to use it from the US

Telephone 44 23 9247 3945
Fax 44 23 9247 3946.

Remember the time difference - from the West Coast if you call any time after 0900 your time, the folks at Andair will be going home.

I think their e-mail responses are dodgy, but whenever I have called them there has been a prompt answer and helpful quick service.

Rob and VonJet - I'm sending you both a PM.

It's called specialization of labor. Deal with a retailer on this one. Andair is the manufacture. This Andair cust service issue has been beat to death over and over. Guys, the products Andair produces are far beyond normal GA quality in finish, engineering, appearance, etc. When it comes time to buy get it from Vans or any other US based seller you are happy to work with. Don't keep banging your head against the wall trying to get backstage to see the star. If you were going to to see an Elton John concert would you try to call him at his home to buy a ticket? No. You call or log on to Ticketmaster. It's the same on this one.

And yes, as far as fuel valves go, he is a Rock Star.
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you make a good point

But Elton John doesn't post his price for the ticket and his contact information to make you think you can purchase a ticket from him direct just to have him ignore you.

If they are gonna offer products for sale direct thru their webpage then they better have a way to deal with customers properly. If distributors are the only way a customer can get service or parts then stop selling products on your webpage direct.

Your right though. This topic has been beat to death. Andair's customer service is terrible yet we all have to deal with it because their fuel valves are amazing.
Some day it will catch up to them. When sales start dropping like this economy they will answer their emails. Or hey Andair, maybe try getting a voice mailbox for your company phone
Once you do the exchange rate, you only save $3.39USD from lasaero.com, as opposed to Van's. I'll bet you make that up on shipping, unless you're on the East Coast, in which case it should be about the same.

I have to order one of these bad boys as well, so I'm searching for deals also.
You can have mine

If you only need on and off you can buy mine. Its new never used. I need a different one. Let me know.
I need Left/Right/Off type in 3/8" NPT, the standard one, not the duplex for return lines. In particular, the FS20x2, x3, or x7. Which one do you have?
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Mine is not the right one

I cant remember the part number I think its FS20X1. It only has ON/OFF.


Hey everyone. Now I work for Andair and thought I'd step in. Iam one of only 6 full-time staff (Not including Andy or Owen) yes 6. We ALWAYS answer the phone but our opening times are 7:30-4:30 mon-fri (we work over a 40hr wk basic) now getting our bosses to answer their e-mails has been a constent trouble. Andy is very rarely with us at work anymore due to his wife's extreme illness (cancer) and when he is at work he is not really all 'there' which is understandable. Owen runs 2 machines downstairs as well as new development products and accounts.To by-pass these guys and get a response you need to e-mail Chris Almas :- [email protected] you will get a response within a day garanteed. We do not keep stock items at all due to me being the only full time assembler and pack and dispatch and buyer of tools etc I work my arse off just to try to keep up with our orders, however between Chris and I we have aimed/made it that no order (bar dated) is later than 3 weeks, this is our aim. We would be very interested in ANY faults with our valves so we can evolve and make them better, or we do replace our valves if faulty with new ones!!! thanks. felicity
Welcome !!!!

Felicity, welcome to VAF.

Thanks for the update on the goings on there, and for the alternate contact info.

Good to see another vendor on the board.
I have purchased a number of valves from them over the years, and I always try to buy direct because I know each penny counts when you're running a small business. On top of that, Andy and crew are some of the nicest people you'll meet, and they do try very hard. Like all of us, they are very busy trying to make a living and also juggle personal issues. I'd encourage people to give them a little patience on orders. I look at it like these planes all take us a long time to build - and it's not like an extra week or two will cause a disaster in our lives.

I know sometimes responses are slow, but they are overseas and are a small business. They do and will get back to you sooner or later, and to me the wait is worth it - they make the best fuel valve money can buy. I just had them make me a special valve with additional tanks, 1/2" fuel lines and banjo fittings with a long extension on it for my Mullicoupe, and let me tell you the wait was well worth it! As with all the other fuel valves I've had from them it is first rate.

I could care less if it is $2.00 less from one place or another on a unit that cost that much money. If it were a commodity that was being sold by dozens of retailers it'd be worth shopping around, but in this case it's well worth it to me for Andy to get that few extra bucks. Lord knows he's not getting rich in this business and I know as a person with a small business myself that the business is truly appreciated.

Anyway, I'm not tied to them in a business way at all, so this is just me as a homebuilder talking here.

One reason for impatients is that most builders like myself can't see far enough down the road to order exactly what they need until they need it. I chose the RV-10 primarly for what I thought was a complete kit. After discovering many components missing for the 10, luckly there are many other favorable attributes. Mind you Van's does include a fuel valve, but when you read on Van's site ( I think that is where I read this ) that if you have a problem with their stock valve replace it with an Andair listed in there accessory catalog, it does not say much about the stock unit. You take the Airflow filter and pump, I thought they were included until I went looking for them to install. Once you plan on installing a component it's frustration to drop your plan and move on to something else. I would have liked for Van's to have an option for a more complete kit. Perhaps they could list options like Stock (Weatherhead ?) valve or Andair etc. I hate, (probably worst part of the build process for me) searching for parts. I've been looking for an extention for the Andair valve for over a week, no luck til now I see an e-mail address above to try.
If you're in a pickle for an extension and only need a straight one, I could let you have mine and I'll order another one. It'll be some time before the Mullicoupe is flying, and I have a 12" straight extension you could use if you really need it. Let me know!

Thanks for the offer, I've e-mailed Andair, we'll see. I'm not in a hurry for the extention as it's at the end of installation on that component, and not holding things up. Are any of the extentions that ACS sells the correct ones for my application?
Thanks again for the offer
Hi Ron,
Havn't got your email off Chris's email address, did you send it to this? I'm now answering some of Andy's when I get the time,will look out for your e-mail! if its just a standard extention try our website which you can order off of, if not e-mail is fine or give us a call.
Hello Felicity
I just got a return from the e-mail saying it was undeliverably tonight. I'm not sure just what extention I need. I have an FS20X7T and it's the newer style and I need a six inch straight extention. My e-mail is [email protected]
Thanks Ron
I normally wouldn't chime in on this because I have my valve, I didn't use the extension and I picked it up from some guy that wrenches for the Aeroshell T-6's. :D I wonder if anyone even READ what Felicity wrote? I have spoken to Andy and his crew at several Airventures aka OSH, I bought several of my parts from them at the show.

His wife is battling cancer!!! I didn't know that, but the posts continue regarding the valves and not one word of encouragment? Com'on guys...this is not the attitude I'm used to seeing in this forum!!! I commend Felicity for stepping in and providing information about Andair and what she has to deal with. That said...Felicity, pass along to Andy I hope all turns out well for you and your wife, tell him I was the one wearing the grey OSH 2006 T-shirt;)...Your products are top notch!

Hey Ron, that is odd. that address should work. The extention upgrade you need is called a EXK-7-6 (with the 6 inch rod) if you go on our website, go to extentions, then click on the upgrade standard fuel valve option, then click the box for FS20-7, and your extention tube length, plus any little extras you require ie ujs can be added on, then just proceed to check out! no worries! We at Andair are shut now however from 24th til 5th Jan for christmas- so no response til then I'm afraid. Im really sorry you've had such a rough time trying to get something so simple. You could probably purchase this from spruce or wicks, just use the quoted EXK7-6 part number (thats our part no) then you'l get the right part as there not so swift there.
Felicity, you quoted part #EXK7-6 as being the parts required to extend my valve. I'm trying to order one thru Aircraft Spruce and they cannot ( neither could I on your site) find this part #. ACS quotes part # EX-7 as being the extention I would need but say that this would be a special order and that I would be stuck with it in the event that it was not correct. Can you help?
Thanks Ron
I normally wouldn't chime in on this because I have my valve, I didn't use the extension and I picked it up from some guy that wrenches for the Aeroshell T-6's. :D

You shouldn't oughta admit to know that guy. People will start avoiding you.