

I'm looking an RV kit, specifically looking at the RV-12iS mainly for its lower cost kit, operation, and licensing. However, I'm pretty tall. I'm wondering of the other "talls of the world" can give some insight on how feasible this is.

I'm 6’8″ with a 38″ inseam, 50″ outseam, and my "height" from a seated position is about 38″. Different people are tall in different ways so hopefully this gives some info on the legs/torso ratio or whatever one may call it.

Van's website gives this diagram:

Measuring the height and length on the wall/ground with a tape measure it seems fine... maybe I could get by with an in-ear headset? :D

I know the obvious answer here is "just try one out" so I'm not expecting any super analytical responses or anything, more just anecdotes. Though, feel free to share whatever is on your mind. :)


P.S. I've read this similar post though it's specifically just about the RV-14A.
RV-8 is OK

I have a 36” inseam, 40” waist in my pants. I visited the factory (not sure if that’s possible now or not) when I became interested in RVs. I always liked the -8 from the get go, and seemed to fit in their -8A fine. I took a demo ride in the -7 there and my knees were kissing the panel. I’ve sat in the -14 at Oshkosh, and that seemed tight from a legroom standpoint. I looked at a -4 once and thought “that will never work”.

I’ve sat in other -8’s, no problems.

I have no other experiences with other models. Good luck finding an airplane that suits you (and from experience, pants that fit).

Best regards,
Thanks for the info. Planes aren't the only things that don't fit tall people the best as I'm sure you know so I have the perspective of "looking for good enough" not "looking for something built for people my height".

I drive a Chevy Traverse and even in that I don't have good legroom, just "good enough".
Be aware of Antisplat's "Almost an RV-14" modification for the RV6, 7, and 9 that gives more room for tall pilots.

I'm guessing head clearance in a -12iS is going to be tight for you, but as you mention the best thing to do is to try one on for size and find out. Just need to find one somewhere not too far from Joplin!

The RV-8 or RV-14 should fit you. Or you fit it. Depending on how you look at it. :)
Be aware of Antisplat's "Almost an RV-14" modification for the RV6, 7, and 9 that gives more room for tall pilots.

That is an option for 6,7,9 but not for the 12 because the wing spar runs behind the seats. Thinner/no seat cushions is an option. Going with none wouldn't be comfortable for long.

The 8 has the "tall pilot option" which I used. I'm 6'4" 34" inseam and sitting on a roughly 2.5" thick parachute need to duck to close the canopy but then have plenty of space. It can be used with the standard seat bottom hinge position to get more head room due to the steeper recline angle (what I did) or move the seat bottom back as well as the top for more leg room. I'm fine with the pedals all the way forward but my knees hit the panel at the second hole back ("ground adjustable" pedals).
RV8A fits

I’m 6” 4” 35” inseam and my feet are pretty straight out while seated in the RV8A , I am comfortable on long 3 hour flights with room to pull my feet up to get some movement during flight. A couple inch’s from the top of my headset to the canopy in flight and a quick head duck when pulling the canopy forward. The RV7’s I have been in dont seem to have the same leg room but then the owners had not adjusted the pedals forward for me
RV8 best fit of the RV’s for me.
I"m 6'6", 36 inseam. I'm building (not flying yet) an rv7a tip up with the almost a 14 mod. Based one my garage flying, I fit just fine.

If I was going to do it over, I'd consider the 14 but then you have to go for a more spendy engine.
Be aware of Antisplat's "Almost an RV-14" modification for the RV6, 7, and 9 that gives more room for tall pilots.

Wow, I'd never seen this before, really opens up some new possibilities.
RV-10 is 4 place, non-aerobatic, whereas RV-14 is 2 place, aerobatic. Great to have the option to have more space in the 2 place, non-aerobatic (cheaper!) RV-9. Interestingly, the RV-9 has the second-greatest weight capacity (per passenger) with a full tank of fuel already subtracted, behind the RV-14.

Just need to find one somewhere not too far from Joplin!

I'm moving to PA in a few months; I'll be several hours away from Van's demo planes in New Garden Airport (by Philly) but at least it's a better opportunity than the Midwest. Just gotta focus on restarting the ol' career first. :D Oh yeah, and wait for this pandemic to resolve itself...
If you end up near Dallas, you are welcome to try on my 6A. It is setup for a tall pilot and fits me comfortably. However, I am only 6'4", but a big 6'4". If you are more on the skinny side, it may work out for you just fine.

I have the almost-14 mod, thin cushions, and the rudder pedals as far forward as possible. If you can fit in mine, then a 7 will be no problem since it has 1" more headroom (everything else is the same). Either way, plan on in-ear headsets to buy you a little more headroom.
I have the almost-a-14 mod in my plane - very well-engineered and well-made. Apparently the original builder was quite a bit taller them I am. I don't need it, but my son is 6' 5" and he really appreciates it.

The Almost-a-14 mod from Anti-Splat and the Supertracks Canopy track extension are both brilliant enhancements to the RV side-by-side cockpit, which is otherwise a little on the tight side.
Watched the video on the "almost-a-rv14 mod" and you wonder why Van's doesn't buy some of these as list it as an official option.... Seems to be such a simple change with almost no difference in weight.
I took my future son-in-law for his first RV-14 ride last week. We have an RV-14 an and RV-10. He's 6' 9" tall.

He does fit in the RV-10 ok. I can say though that it would be completely impractical for him to consider the RV-14. I would like to help him learn to fly, but the RV-14 is way too cramped for him. His head definitely hits the canopy in normal seating, so he has to scrunch down, which then means his knees are way up in front of the panel. Not at all the way to go. That was with normal seat cushions. Next time I take him, I'd like to try putting him on only a 1" thick cushion, with maybe a 1/2" thick back cushion. That *may* make it just bearable, but it would be "just" if it works.

Despite the RV-14 being bigger, it really isn't yet big enough for most tall people. I'm not quite 6'2" and if I had my way, I'd want that seat back bar moved back another inch if possible. In the RV-6 I fit like he does. I have to crouch and would constantly hit the canopy.

In the end, if you're over 6'4", I'd say just go for the RV-10. It's maybe more than you want to spend, but it's still cheaper than amputating below the knees for both legs, with prosthetic feet being attached, and the physical therapy so that you can chop your body down to fit in the other models.
The RV-16 should be designed for tall pilots. Still in the works... one can dream... 6'5" and fit in my RV-12. Thin seat pad to sit on.
Despite the RV-14 being bigger, it really isn't yet big enough for most tall people. I'm not quite 6'2" and if I had my way, I'd want that seat back bar moved back another inch if possible. In the RV-6 I fit like he does. I have to crouch and would constantly hit the canopy.

In the end, if you're over 6'4", I'd say just go for the RV-10. It's maybe more than you want to spend, but it's still cheaper than amputating below the knees for both legs, with prosthetic feet being attached, and the physical therapy so that you can chop your body down to fit in the other models.

I am 6’4” and am working on a -7. I have added the “almost a -14” mod and I modified the panel to be 1” shorter on the bottom. I left out the common switch sub panel and put the engine controls in a panel insert higher in the panel. No center console. It is very roomy and I have many inches to spare in every direction. I think a lot of it is how you build it.

The -8 I “mostly” built would have EASILY fit a much taller person and an -8a would be even less restricting for the giants among us.
You can Still fit in an 8..

At 6’6”.. 225lbs...

I just fit in an 8.. With reasonable thickness cushions.. But headset is gently touching against canopy..

But have found for winter flights.. With insulated pants and a few layers up above... I better not have to get out in a hurry... There is a little less than optional leg movement available for rudder control...

But it’s worth it !

Dropped Seat

I remember seeing an option (but where?) to reduce the height of the pan that the RV6 seat cushions sit on. I would guess that the same modification could be done to the 7 and 9 models.

Also, in fitting the canopy there's a bit of extra material, and IIRC, you could maybe raise the whole canopy by an inch. Of course to align with the back skin the canopy would be 1" taller up front and taper down to no gain.

Or in the true spirit of Experimental... just blow mold your own canopy!
At 6’6”.. 225lbs...

I just fit in an 8.. With reasonable thickness cushions.. But headset is gently touching against canopy..

But have found for winter flights.. With insulated pants and a few layers up above... I better not have to get out in a hurry... There is a little less than optional leg movement available for rudder control...

But it’s worth it !


Is that on a stock build or using the "Tall Pilot" option?